Source code for underworld

##                                                                                   ##
##  This file forms part of the Underworld geophysics modelling application.         ##
##                                                                                   ##
##  For full license and copyright information, please refer to the file  ##
##  located at the project root, or contact the authors.                             ##
##                                                                                   ##
Underworld2 is a Python API (Application Programming Interface) which provides 
functionality for the modelling of geodynamics processes, and is designed to 
work (almost) seamlessly across PC, cloud and HPC infrastructure. Primarily 
the API consists of a set of Python classes from which numerical geodynamics 
models may be constructed. The API also provides the tools required for inline
analysis and data management. For scalability across multiprocessor platforms, 
MPI (Message Passing Interface) is leveraged, and for performant operation all
heavy computations are executed within a statically typed layer. 

Underworld2 provides capacity for modelling 2- and 3-dimensional geodynamics 
processes, utilising a particle-in-cell finite element approach  
for solution to Stokes flow type configurations. In Underworld, the finite 
element mesh can be static or dynamic, but it is not constrained to move in 
lock-step with the evolving geometry of the fluid. This hybrid approach allows 
Underworld to obtain accurate velocity solutions (on the mesh) for a given 
material configuration, while simultaneously ensuring the accurate time
advection of material interfaces and history information (using particle swarms).

A primary aim of Underworld2 is to enable rapid prototyping of models, and to 
this end embedded visualisation (LavaVu) and modern development environments 
such as Jupyter Notebooks have been embraced, with the latter also providing 
a path to cloud computing amenability. The Jupyter Notebook front end 
provisioned across cloud facilities has also proven to be an appropriate 
environment for the use of Underworld as a teaching tool for solid Earth 

Underworld2 provides a minimal set of highly flexible core functionality,
with user domain concerns left to the users themselves to construct. At the centre
of this design is the Function class, which aims to provide a natural interface
from which users can describe their problem mathematics. For example, the user may
describe a viscosity which is piecewise constant, temperature dependent, or 
visco-elasto-plastic in behaviour. Simulation chronology is also fully exposed 
and the user is expected to explicitly specify when events should occur. This 
approach allows users to specify exactly their modelling requirements and provides

Underworld is an open-source project. 

# first import h5py. this is due to the dlopen changes which follow.
# by importing h5py, we ensure it uses the libHDF5 it was built against
# as opposed to version PETSc is possibly built against.
import h5py as _h5py
# ok, now need to change default python dlopen flags to global
# this is because when python imports the module, the shared libraries are loaded as RTLD_LOCAL
# and then when MPI_Init is called, OpenMPI tries to dlopen its plugin, they are unable to
# link to the openmpi libraries as they are private
import sys as _sys
import ctypes as _ctypes
_oldflags = _sys.getdlopenflags()
_sys.setdlopenflags( _oldflags | _ctypes.RTLD_GLOBAL )

__version__ = "2.8.1b"

# squelch h5py/numpy future warnings
import warnings as _warnings
_warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)
# also these warnings as they are very noisey and not necessary
_warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="numpy.dtype size changed")
_warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="numpy.ufunc size changed")

# let's check PYTHONPATH includes path to lib directory, as this will probably
# catch people out.
import os as _os
from pathlib import Path as _Path
_results = 0
if "PYTHONPATH" in _os.environ:
    for _dir in _os.environ["PYTHONPATH"].split(":"):
        for _result in _Path(_dir).glob("_StGermain.*"):
            if _result:
    if _results < 1:
        raise RuntimeError("Unable to find required libraries.\n"
                    "Note that your PYTHONPATH must now also indicate "
                    "the directory containing the required compiled "
                    "libraries. For example, `your_uw_directory/libUnderworld/build/lib`.")

import sys as _sys
from . import timing
import libUnderworld
from . import _stgermain
_data =  libUnderworld.StGermain_Tools.StgInit( _sys.argv )
_stgermain.LoadModules( {"import":["StgDomain","StgFEM","PICellerator","Underworld","gLucifer","Solvers"]} )

class _del_uw_class:
   This simple class simply facilitates calling StgFinalise on uw exit
   Previous implementations used the 'atexit' module, but this called finalise
   *before* python garbage collection which as problematic as objects were being
   deleted after StgFinalise was called.
   def __init__(self,delfunc, deldata):
       from mpi4py import MPI
       self.mpidelfn = MPI.Finalize
       self.delfunc = delfunc
       self.deldata = deldata
       self.exited = False
   def __del__(self):
       # put this in a try loop to avoid errors during sphinx documentation generation
           self.exited = True

_delclassinstance = _del_uw_class(libUnderworld.StGermain_Tools.StgFinalise, _data)

def _set_init_sig_as_sig(mod):
    This method replaces all constructor signatures with those defined
    by the class' __init__ method.  This is necessary for StgCompountComponent
    subclasses (the only type this method applies to) due to the metaclassing
    which results in the __call__ method's signature (as defined in _SetupClass)
    being the one inspect.signature() returns (which is *not* what the user
    should see).
    import inspect
    # first gather info
    mods = {}
    for guy in dir(mod):
        if guy[0] != "_":  # don't grab private guys
            obj = getattr(mod,guy)
            if inspect.ismodule(obj):
                mods[guy] = obj
            elif inspect.isclass(obj):
                if issubclass(obj, _stgermain.StgCompoundComponent):
                    # replace signature here
                    obj.__signature__ = inspect.signature(obj.__init__)
    for key in mods:
        # recurse into submodules

import underworld.container

import underworld.mesh

import underworld.conditions

import underworld.function

import underworld.swarm


import underworld.mpi

import underworld.utils

# to allow our legacy doctest formats
    import numpy as _np

# Squelch these warnings as they are very noisey and not necessary
import warnings as _warnings
_warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="numpy.dtype size changed")
_warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="numpy.ufunc size changed")
    from ._uwid import uwid as _id
    import uuid as _uuid
    _id = str(_uuid.uuid4())
from . import _net

def _run_from_ipython():
    Small routine to check if running from ipy/jupyter.s
        return True
    except NameError:
        return False

[docs]def matplotlib_inline(): """ This function simply enables Jupyter Notebook inlined matplotlib results. This function should be called at the start of your notebooks as a replacement for the Jupyter Notebook *%matplotlib inline* magic. It provides the same functionality, however it allows notebooks to be converted to python without having to explicitly remove these calls. """ if _run_from_ipython(): get_ipython().magic(u'matplotlib inline')
# lets handle exceptions differently in parallel to ensure we call. # add isinstance so that this acts correctly for Mocked classes used in sphinx docs generation if isinstance(underworld.mpi.size, int) and underworld.mpi.size > 1: _origexcepthook = _sys.excepthook def _uw_uncaught_exception_handler(exctype, value, tb): import time allmessages = "UW_ALL_MESSAGES" in _os.environ if not allmessages: # What follows is a test to ensure all processes raised. # Simply perform non-blocking barrier. all_raised = False try: from mpi4py import MPI comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD baz = comm.Ibarrier() time_in = time.time() while time.time()<(time_in+15): baz_complete = baz.Test() # if all procs raise, should succeeded eventually. if baz_complete: all_raised = True comm.Barrier() # barrier here to ensure other's have time succeed. break # get out if done time.sleep(0.0001) if all_raised and (comm.rank==0): print("An uncaught exception appears to have been raised by all processes. " "Set the 'UW_ALL_MESSAGES' environment variable to see all messages. " "Rank 0 message is:", file=_sys.stderr) _origexcepthook(exctype, value, tb) except: pass if allmessages or not all_raised: print('An uncaught exception was encountered on processor {}.'.format(underworld.mpi.rank), file=_sys.stderr) _origexcepthook(exctype, value, tb) import sys sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() time.sleep(1) # give all procs a chance to write outputs libUnderworld.StGermain_Tools.StgAbort( _data ) _sys.excepthook = _uw_uncaught_exception_handler def _prepend_message_to_exception(e, message): """ This function simply adds a message to an encountered exception. Currently it is not python 3 friendly. Check here """ # raise type(e), type(e)(message + '\n' + e.message), _sys.exc_info()[2] raise type(e)(message + '\n' + e.message).with_traceback(_sys.exc_info()[2]) def _in_doctest(): """ Returns true if running inside doctests run from docs/tests/ """ import os return hasattr(_sys.modules['__main__'], '_SpoofOut') or "DOCTEST" in os.environ # lets shoot off some usage metrics # send metrics *only* if we are rank==0, and if we are not running inside a doctest. if (underworld.mpi.rank == 0) and not _in_doctest(): def _sendData(): import os # disable collection of data if requested if "UW_NO_USAGE_METRICS" not in os.environ: # get platform info import platform label = platform.system() label += "__" + platform.release() # check if docker import os.path if (os.path.isfile("/.dockerinit")): label += "__docker" # send info async import threading thread = threading.Thread( target=_net.PostGAEvent, args=( "runtime", "import", label, underworld.mpi.size ) ) thread.daemon = True thread.start() try: _sendData() except: # continue quietly if something above failed pass