underworld.function.misc module

Miscellaneous functions.

Module Summary


underworld.function.misc.constant This function returns a constant value.
underworld.function.misc.max Returns the maximum of the results returned from its two argument function.
underworld.function.misc.min Returns the minimum of the results returned from its two argument function.

Module Details


class underworld.function.misc.constant(value, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: underworld.function._function.Function

This function returns a constant value.

Parameters:value (int,float,bool, iterable) – The value the function should return. Note that iterable objects which contain valid types are permitted, but must be homogeneous in their type.


>>> import underworld as uw
>>> import underworld.function as fn
>>> fn_const = fn.misc.constant( 3 )
>>> fn_const.evaluate(0.) # eval anywhere for constant
array([[3]], dtype=int32)
>>> fn_const = fn.misc.constant( (3,2,1) )
>>> fn_const.evaluate(0.) # eval anywhere for constant
array([[3, 2, 1]], dtype=int32)
>>> fn_const = fn.misc.constant( 3. )
>>> fn_const.evaluate(0.) # eval anywhere for constant
array([[ 3.]])
>>> fn_const = fn.misc.constant( (3.,2.,1.) )
>>> fn_const.evaluate(0.) # eval anywhere for constant
array([[ 3.,  2.,  1.]])
>>> fn_const = fn.misc.constant( True )
>>> fn_const.evaluate(0.) # eval anywhere for constant
array([[ True]], dtype=bool)
>>> fn_const = fn.misc.constant( (True,False,True) )
>>> fn_const.evaluate(0.) # eval anywhere for constant
array([[ True, False,  True]], dtype=bool)

constant value this function returns

class underworld.function.misc.max(fn1, fn2, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: underworld.function._function.Function

Returns the maximum of the results returned from its two argument function.



>>> import underworld as uw
>>> import underworld.function as fn
>>> import numpy as np
>>> testpoints = np.array(([[ 0.0], [0.2], [0.4], [0.6], [0.8], [1.01], [1.2], [1.4], [1.6], [1.8], [2.0],]))

Create which return identical results via different paths:

>>> fn_x = fn.input()[0]
>>> fn_x_minus_one = fn_x - 1.
>>> fn_one_minus_x = 1. - fn_x

Here we use ‘max’ and ‘min’ functions:

>>> fn_max = fn.misc.max(fn_one_minus_x,fn_x_minus_one)
>>> fn_min = fn.misc.min(fn_one_minus_x,fn_x_minus_one)

Here we use the conditional functions:

>>> fn_conditional_max = fn.branching.conditional( ( ( fn_x <= 1., fn_one_minus_x ), ( fn_x > 1., fn_x_minus_one ) ))
>>> fn_conditional_min = fn.branching.conditional( ( ( fn_x >= 1., fn_one_minus_x ), ( fn_x < 1., fn_x_minus_one ) ))

They should return identical results:

>>> np.allclose(fn_max.evaluate(testpoints),fn_conditional_max.evaluate(testpoints))
>>> np.allclose(fn_min.evaluate(testpoints),fn_conditional_min.evaluate(testpoints))
class underworld.function.misc.min(fn1, fn2, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: underworld.function._function.Function

Returns the minimum of the results returned from its two argument function.



See the example provided for ‘max’ function.