underworld.utils module

Various utility classes & functions.

Module Summary


underworld.utils.is_kernel Function to determine if the script is being run in an ipython or jupyter notebook or in a regular python interpreter.


underworld.utils.SavedFileData A class used to define saved data.
underworld.utils.Integral The Integral class constructs the volume integral
underworld.utils.MeshVariable_Projection This class provides functionality for projecting data from any underworld function onto a provided mesh variable.

Module Details



Function to determine if the script is being run in an ipython or jupyter notebook or in a regular python interpreter.

Return true if in ipython or Jupyter notebook, False otherwise.


class underworld.utils.SavedFileData(pyobj, filename)[source]

Bases: object

A class used to define saved data.

  • pyobj (object) – python object saved data relates to.
  • filename (str) – filename for saved data, full path
class underworld.utils.Integral(fn, mesh=None, integrationType='volume', surfaceIndexSet=None, integrationSwarm=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: underworld._stgermain.StgCompoundComponent

The Integral class constructs the volume integral

\[F_{i} = \int_V \, f_i(\mathbf{x}) \, \mathrm{d} V\]

for some function \(f_i\) (specified by a Function object), over some domain \(V\) (specified by an FeMesh object), or the surface integral

\[F_{i} = \oint_{\Gamma} \, f_i(\mathbf{x}) \, \mathrm{d}\Gamma\]

for some surface \(\Gamma\) (specified via an IndexSet object on the mesh).

  • fn (uw.function.Function) – Function to be integrated.
  • mesh (uw.mesh.FeMesh) – The mesh over which integration is performed.
  • integrationType (str) – Type of integration to perform. Options are “volume” or “surface”.
  • surfaceIndexSet (uw.mesh.FeMesh_IndexSet) – Must be provided where integrationType is “surface”. This IndexSet determines which surface is to be integrated over. Note that surface integration over interior nodes is not currently supported.
  • integrationSwarm (uw.swarm.IntegrationSwarm (optional)) – User provided integration swarm.


Constructor must be called by collectively all processes.


Calculate volume of mesh:

>>> import underworld as uw
>>> mesh = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian(minCoord=(0.,0.), maxCoord=(1.,1.))
>>> volumeIntegral = uw.utils.Integral(fn=1.,mesh=mesh)
>>> np.allclose( 1., volumeIntegral.evaluate(), rtol=1e-8)

Calculate surface area of mesh:

>>> surfaceIntegral = uw.utils.Integral(fn=1., mesh=mesh, integrationType='surface', surfaceIndexSet=mesh.specialSets["AllWalls_VertexSet"])
>>> np.allclose( 4., surfaceIntegral.evaluate(), rtol=1e-8)

Perform integration.


Method must be called collectively by all processes.

Returns:result – Integration result. For vector integrals, a vector is returned.
Return type:list of floats

The integration mask used where surface integration is performed.

class underworld.utils.MeshVariable_Projection(meshVariable=None, fn=None, voronoi_swarm=None, type=0, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: underworld._stgermain.StgCompoundComponent

This class provides functionality for projecting data from any underworld function onto a provided mesh variable.

For the variable \(\bf{U} = \bf{u}_a N_a\) and function \(F\), we wish to determine appropriate values for \(\bf{u}_a\) such that \(\bf{U} \simeq F\).

Two projection methods are supported; weighted averages and weighted residuals. Generally speaking, weighted averages provide robust low order results, while weighted residuals give higher accuracy but spurious results for difficult functions \(F\).

The weighted average method is defined as:

\[\bf{u}_a = \frac{\int_{\Omega} \bf{F} N_a \partial\Omega }{\int_{\Omega} N_a \partial\Omega }\]

The weighted residual method constructs an SLE which is then solved to determine the unknowns:

\[\bf{u}_a\int_{\Omega} N_a N_b \partial\Omega = \int_{\Omega} \bf{F} N_b \partial\Omega\]
  • meshVariable (underworld.mesh.MeshVariable) – The variable you wish to project the function onto.
  • fn (underworld.function.Function) – The function you wish to project.
  • voronoi_swarm (underworld.swarm.Swarm) – Optional. If a voronoi_swarm is provided, voronoi type integration is utilised to integrate across elements. The provided swarm is used as the basis for the voronoi integration. If no swarm is provided, Gauss integration is used.
  • type (int, default=0) – Projection type. 0:weighted average, 1:weighted residual


Constructor must be called collectively by all processes.


>>> import underworld as uw
>>> import numpy as np
>>> mesh = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian()
>>> U = uw.mesh.MeshVariable( mesh, 1 )

Lets cast a constant value onto this mesh variable

>>> const = 1.23456
>>> projector = uw.utils.MeshVariable_Projection( U, const, type=0 )
>>> np.allclose(U.data, const)
>>> projector.solve()
>>> np.allclose(U.data, const)

Now cast mesh coordinates onto a vector variable

>>> U_coord = uw.mesh.MeshVariable( mesh, 2 )
>>> projector = uw.utils.MeshVariable_Projection( U_coord, uw.function.coord(), type=1 )
>>> projector.solve()
>>> np.allclose(U_coord.data, mesh.data)

Project one mesh variable onto another

>>> U_copy = uw.mesh.MeshVariable( mesh, 2 )
>>> projector = uw.utils.MeshVariable_Projection( U_copy, U_coord, type=1 )
>>> projector.solve()
>>> np.allclose(U_copy.data, U_coord.data)

Project the coords to the submesh (usually the constant mesh)

>>> U_submesh = uw.mesh.MeshVariable( mesh.subMesh, 2 )
>>> projector = uw.utils.MeshVariable_Projection( U_submesh, U_coord, type=1 )
>>> projector.solve()
>>> np.allclose(U_submesh.data, mesh.subMesh.data)

Create swarm, then project particle owning elements onto mesh

>>> U_submesh = uw.mesh.MeshVariable( mesh.subMesh, 1 )
>>> swarm = uw.swarm.Swarm(mesh)
>>> swarm.populate_using_layout(uw.swarm.layouts.PerCellSpaceFillerLayout(swarm,4))
>>> projector = uw.utils.MeshVariable_Projection( U_submesh, swarm.owningCell, type=1 )
>>> projector.solve()
>>> np.allclose(U_submesh.data, mesh.data_elgId)