Source code for underworld

##                                                                                   ##
##  This file forms part of the Underworld geophysics modelling application.         ##
##                                                                                   ##
##  For full license and copyright information, please refer to the file  ##
##  located at the project root, or contact the authors.                             ##
##                                                                                   ##
Underworld2 is a python-friendly version of the Underworld geodynamics
code which provides a programmable and flexible front end to all the
functionality of the code running in a parallel HPC environment. This
gives signficant advantages to the user, with access to the power of
python libraries for setup of complex problems, analysis at runtime,
problem steering, and coupling of multiple problems.

Underworld2 is integrated with the literate programming environment of
the jupyter notebook system for tutorials and as a teaching tool for
solid Earth geoscience.

Underworld is an open-source, particle-in-cell finite element code
tuned for large-scale geodynamics simulations. The numerical algorithms
allow the tracking of history information through the high-strain
deformation associated with fluid flow (for example, transport of the
stress tensor in a viscoelastic, convecting medium, or the advection of
fine-scale damage parameters by the large-scale flow). The finite
element mesh can be static or dynamic, but it is not contrained to move
in lock-step with the evolving geometry of the fluid. This hybrid approach
is very well suited to complex fluids which is how the solid Earth behaves
on a geological timescale.

__version__ = "2.7.1b"

# lets  set sys.path such that the project parent directory takes
# precedence
import sys as _sys
import os as _os
_sys.path.insert(0, _os.path.realpath(_os.path.dirname("..")))

import timing
import libUnderworld
import container
import mesh
import conditions
import function
import swarm
import systems
import utils
import scaling as _scaling

import numpy as _np

# to allow our legacy doctest formats

# Squelch these warnings as they are very noisey and not necessary
import warnings as _warnings
_warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="numpy.dtype size changed")
_warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="numpy.ufunc size changed")
    from ._uwid import uwid as _id
    import uuid as _uuid
    _id = str(_uuid.uuid4())
import _net

# lets go right ahead and init now.  user can re-init if necessary.
import _stgermain
_data =  libUnderworld.StGermain_Tools.StgInit( _sys.argv )

_stgermain.LoadModules( {"import":["StgDomain","StgFEM","PICellerator","Underworld","gLucifer","Solvers"]} )

[docs]def rank(): """ Returns the rank of the current process. Returns ------- unsigned Rank of current process. """ return _data.rank
[docs]def nProcs(): """ Returns the number of processes being utilised by the simulation. Returns ------- unsigned Number of processors. """ return _data.nProcs
[docs]def barrier(): """ Creates an MPI barrier. All processes wait here for others to catch up. """ from mpi4py import MPI MPI.COMM_WORLD.Barrier()
def _run_from_ipython(): """ Small routine to check if running from ipy/jupyter.s """ try: __IPYTHON__ return True except NameError: return False
[docs]def matplotlib_inline(): """ This function simply enables Jupyter Notebook inlined matplotlib results. This function should be called at the start of your notebooks as a replacement for the Jupyter Notebook *%matplotlib inline* magic. It provides the same functionality, however it allows notebooks to be converted to python without having to explicitly remove these calls. """ if _run_from_ipython(): get_ipython().magic(u'matplotlib inline')
# lets handle exceptions differently in parallel to ensure we call. # add isinstance so that this acts correctly for Mocked classes used in sphinx docs generation if isinstance(nProcs(), int) and nProcs() > 1: _origexcepthook = _sys.excepthook def _uw_uncaught_exception_handler(exctype, value, tb): print('An uncaught exception was encountered on processor {}.'.format(rank())) # pass through to original handler _origexcepthook(exctype, value, tb) libUnderworld.StGermain_Tools.StgAbort( _data ) _sys.excepthook = _uw_uncaught_exception_handler def _prepend_message_to_exception(e, message): """ This function simply adds a message to an encountered exception. Currently it is not python 3 friendly. Check here """ raise type(e), type(e)(message + '\n' + e.message), _sys.exc_info()[2] class _del_uw_class: """ This simple class simply facilitates calling StgFinalise on uw exit Previous implementations used the 'atexit' module, but this called finalise *before* python garbage collection which as problematic as objects were being deleted after StgFinalise was called. """ def __init__(self,delfunc, deldata): self.delfunc = delfunc self.deldata = deldata def __del__(self): # put this in a try loop to avoid errors during sphinx documentation generation try: self.delfunc(self.deldata) except: pass _delclassinstance = _del_uw_class(libUnderworld.StGermain_Tools.StgFinalise, _data) def _in_doctest(): """ Returns true if running inside doctests run from docs/tests/ """ import os return hasattr(_sys.modules['__main__'], '_SpoofOut') or "DOCTEST" in os.environ # lets shoot off some usage metrics # send metrics *only* if we are rank=0, and if we are not running inside a doctest. if (rank() == 0) and not _in_doctest(): def _sendData(): import os # disable collection of data if requested if "UW_NO_USAGE_METRICS" not in os.environ: # get platform info import platform label = platform.system() label += "__" + platform.release() # check if docker import os.path if (os.path.isfile("/.dockerinit")): label += "__docker" # send info async import threading thread = threading.Thread( target=_net.PostGAEvent, args=( "runtime", "import", label, nProcs() ) ) thread.daemon = True thread.start() try: _sendData() except: # continue quietly if something above failed pass