Source code for

##                                                                                   ##
##  This file forms part of the Underworld geophysics modelling application.         ##
##                                                                                   ##
##  For full license and copyright information, please refer to the file  ##
##  located at the project root, or contact the authors.                             ##
##                                                                                   ##
import underworld as uw
import underworld._stgermain as _stgermain

[docs]class EqNumber(_stgermain.StgClass): """ The SolutionVector manages the numerical solution vectors used by Underworld's equation systems. Interface between meshVariables and systems. Parameters ---------- meshVariable : uw.mesh.MeshVariable MeshVariable object for which this equation numbering corresponds. Example ------- >>> linearMesh = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian( elementType='Q1/dQ0', elementRes=(4,4), minCoord=(0.,0.), maxCoord=(1.,1.) ) >>> tField = uw.mesh.MeshVariable( linearMesh, 1 ) >>> teqNum = tField ) """ def __init__(self, meshVariable, removeBCs=True, **kwargs): if not isinstance(meshVariable, uw.mesh.MeshVariable): raise TypeError("'meshVariable' object passed in must be of type 'MeshVariable'") self._meshVariable = meshVariable if not isinstance(removeBCs, bool): raise TypeError("'removeBCs' must be of type 'bool'") self._removeBCs=removeBCs # build parent super(EqNumber,self).__init__( uw.libUnderworld.StgFEM._FeEquationNumber_Create( meshVariable._cself, removeBCs ) , **kwargs) @property def meshVariable(self): return self._meshVariable