Source code for

##                                                                                   ##
##  This file forms part of the Underworld geophysics modelling application.         ##
##                                                                                   ##
##  For full license and copyright information, please refer to the file  ##
##  located at the project root, or contact the authors.                             ##
##                                                                                   ##
import underworld as uw
import underworld._stgermain as _stgermain
import sle
import libUnderworld
from libUnderworld import petsc
from libUnderworld import Solvers
import _bsscr
import _energy_solver

[docs]class Solver(_stgermain.StgCompoundComponent): _objectsDict = { "_solver" : None } _selfObjectName = "_solver" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Solver, self).__init__(**kwargs) @staticmethod def factory(eqs,type="BSSCR", *args, **kwargs): """ This method simply returns a necessary solver for the provided system. """ if isinstance(eqs, return _bsscr.StokesSolver(eqs, *args, **kwargs) elif isinstance(eqs, (, uw.utils.MeshVariable_Projection, return _energy_solver.HeatSolver(eqs, *args, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError("Unable to create solver. Provided system not recognised.")