Source code for glucifer._glucifer

##                                                                                   ##
##  This file forms part of the Underworld geophysics modelling application.         ##
##                                                                                   ##
##  For full license and copyright information, please refer to the file  ##
##  located at the project root, or contact the authors.                             ##
##                                                                                   ##

import underworld as uw
import errno
import underworld._stgermain as _stgermain
import os
import urllib2
import time
import json
from base64 import b64encode
import libUnderworld
import subprocess
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
from . import objects
import libUnderworld as _libUnderworld
import sys
import os
from mpi4py import MPI

#Attempt to import lavavu module
if 'lavavu' in sys.modules:
    import lavavu
    # ok, we have 'lavavu', but let's check if it's actually a Mocked lavavu (as we use for the sphinx dox gen)
    if not hasattr(lavavu, "only_a_mocked_lavavu_would_act_like_it_has_this_attribute"):
        #Already imported, some paths issue causes double import to load separate instances
        raise RuntimeError("LavaVu module exists, must not be imported before glucifer")
        #lavavu = sys.modules['lavavu']
        import lavavu
        #Import into main too so can be accessed there
        #(necessary for interactive viewer/controls)
        import __main__
        __main__.lavavu = lavavu
    except Exception as e:
        print e,"LavaVu module not found! disabling inline visualisation"

# lets create somewhere to dump data for this session
    tmpdir = os.environ['TMPDIR']
    tmpdir = "/tmp"
except OSError as exception:
    if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST:

[docs]class Store(_stgermain.StgCompoundComponent): """ The Store class provides a database which stores gLucifer drawing objects as they are rendered in figures. It also provides associated routines for saving and reloading this database to external files In addition to parameter specification below, see property docstrings for further information. Parameters ---------- filename: str Filename to use for a disk database, default is in memory only unless saved. split: bool Set to true to write a separate database file for each timestep visualised view: bool Set to true and pass filename if loading a saved database for revisualisation Example ------- Create a database: >>> import glucifer >>> store = glucifer.Store() Optionally provide a filename so you don't need to call save later (no extension) >>> store = glucifer.Store('myvis') Pass to figures when creating them (Providing a name allows you to revisualise the figure from the name) >>> fig = glucifer.Figure(store, name="myfigure") When figures are rendered with show() or save(imgname), they are saved to storage If you don't need to render an image but still want to store the figure to view later, just call save() without a filename >>> Save the database (only necessary if no filename provided when created) >>> dbfile ="myvis") """ _objectsDict = { "_db":"lucDatabase" } _selfObjectName = "_db" viewer = None def __init__(self, filename=None, split=False, **kwargs): self.step = 0 if filename and not filename.lower().endswith('.gldb') and not filename.lower().endswith('.db'): filename += ".gldb" self.filename = filename self._objects = [] #Don't split on timestep unless filename provided if not self.filename: split = False self._split = split super(Store,self).__init__(**kwargs) def _add_to_stg_dict(self,componentDictionary): # lets build up component dictionary # append random string to provided name to ensure unique component names # call parents method super(Store,self)._add_to_stg_dict(componentDictionary) #Extension needs to added by lucDatabase when generating per timestep files filename = self.filename if filename: #Need base name, strip extensions if provided if filename.lower().endswith('.gldb'): filename = filename[0:-5] if filename.lower().endswith('.db'): filename = filename[0:-3] componentDictionary[].update( { "filename" :filename, "splitTransactions" :True, "singleFile" :not self._split } ) def _setup(self): # Detect if viewer was built by finding executable... # (even though no longer needed as using libLavaVu # will keep this for now as is useful to know if the executable was built # and to pass it as first command line arg or if needed to get html path) self._lvpath = self._db.bin_path self._lvbin = os.path.join(self._db.bin_path, "LavaVu") if not os.path.isfile(self._lvbin): print("LavaVu rendering engine does not appear to exist. Perhaps it was not compiled.\n" "Please check your configuration, or contact developers.")
[docs] def save(self,filename): """ Saves the database to the provided filename. Parameters ---------- filename :str Filename to save file to. May include an absolute or relative path. """ if uw.rank() == 0: if not isinstance(filename, str): raise TypeError("Provided parameter 'filename' must be of type 'str'. ") if not filename.lower().endswith('.gldb') and not filename.lower().endswith('.db'): filename += '.gldb' libUnderworld.gLucifer.lucDatabase_BackupDbFile(self._db, filename) return filename
def lvget(self, db=None, *args, **kwargs): #Use a single LavaVu instance per db(store) to save resources if not self.viewer: self.viewer = self.lvrun(db=db, *args, **kwargs) else: if not db: db = self._db.path self.viewer.setup(cache=False, database=db, timestep=self.step, *args, **kwargs) return self.viewer def lvrun(self, db=None, *args, **kwargs): if not db: db = self._db.path return lavavu.Viewer(cache=False, binpath=self._lvpath, database=db, timestep=self.step, *args, **kwargs) def _generate(self, figname, objects, props): #First merge object list with active starttime = MPI.Wtime() for obj in objects: #Add nested colourbar objects if obj._colourBar: objects.append(obj._colourBar) obj._colourBar.parent = obj #Save parent ref #Set default parent flag obj.parent = None #Add to stored object list if not present if obj not in self._objects: self._objects.append(obj) #Set default names on objects where omitted by user #Needs to be updated every time as indices may have changed for o in range(len(self._objects)): #Default name + idx if no user set name obj = self._objects[o] if not "name" in if"colourbar"):["name"] = 'ColourBar_' + str(o) else:["name"] = obj._dr.type[3:] + '_' + str(o) #Set the write step self._db.timeStep = self.step #Delete all drawing objects in register for ii in range(self._db.drawingObjects.objects.count,0,-1): libUnderworld.StGermain._Stg_ObjectList_RemoveByIndex(self._db.drawingObjects.objects,ii-1, libUnderworld.StGermain.KEEP) #Add drawing objects to register and output any custom data on them for obj in self._objects: #Hide objects not in this figure (also check parent for colour bars)["visible"] = bool(obj in objects or obj.parent and obj.parent in objects) #Ensure properties updated before object written to db _libUnderworld.gLucifer.lucDrawingObject_SetProperties(obj._dr, obj._getProperties()); if obj.colourMap: _libUnderworld.gLucifer.lucColourMap_SetProperties(obj.colourMap._cm, obj.colourMap._getProperties()); #Add the object to the drawing object register for the database libUnderworld.StGermain.Stg_ObjectList_Append(self._db.drawingObjects.objects,obj._cself) # go ahead and fill db libUnderworld.gLucifer._lucDatabase_Execute(self._db,None) #Write visualisation state as json data libUnderworld.gLucifer.lucDatabase_WriteState(self._db, figname, self._get_state(self._objects, props)) #Output any custom geometry on objects if lavavu and uw.rank() == 0 and any(x.geomType is not None for x in self._objects): lv = self.lvget() #Open the viewer for obj in self._objects: #Create/Transform geometry by object obj.render(lv) #Parallel custom render output if lavavu and any(hasattr(x, "parallel_render") for x in self._objects): #In case no external file has been written we need to create a temporary #database on root so the other procs can load it tmpdb = None if not self.filename: tmpdb = os.path.join(tmpdir,"tmpDB_"+figname+".gldb") if uw.rank() == 0: libUnderworld.gLucifer.lucDatabase_BackupDbFile(self._db, tmpdb) else: self.filename = tmpdb #Wait for temporary db to be written if not already using an external store uw.barrier() #print uw.rank(),self.filename #Open the viewer with db filename lv = self.lvget(self.filename) #Loop through objects and run their parallel_render method if present for obj in self._objects: if hasattr(obj, "parallel_render"): obj.parallel_render(lv, uw.rank()) #Delete the viewer instance on non-root procs uw.barrier() if uw.rank() > 0: lv = None self.viewer = None elif tmpdb is not None: #Remove tmp db os.remove(tmpdb) # if not lavavu.is_ipython(): # endtime = MPI.Wtime() # print "Visualisation export took %10.2fs on proc %d" % (endtime-starttime, uw.rank()) def _get_state(self, objects, props): #Get current state as string for export export = dict() #Global properties passed from figure export["properties"] = props #View properties passed from figure export["views"] = [props] #[viewprops] #Objects passed from figure objlist = [] for obj in objects: objlist.append( export["objects"] = objlist #TODO: ColourMap properties return json.dumps(export, indent=2) def _read_state(self): #Read state from database (DEPRECATED) if uw.rank() > 0: return if not self._db.db: libUnderworld.gLucifer.lucDatabase_OpenDatabase(self._db) try: lv = self.lvget() #Also save the step data self.timesteps = json.loads( #Get figures/states return except RuntimeError,e: print "LavaVu error: " + str(e) import traceback traceback.print_exc() pass
[docs] def empty(self): """ Empties all the cached drawing objects """ self._objects = []
[docs]class Figure(dict): """ The Figure class provides a window within which gLucifer drawing objects may be rendered. It also provides associated routines for image generation and visualisation. In addition to parameter specification below, see property docstrings for further information. Parameters ---------- store: glucifer.Store Database to collect visualisation data, this may be shared among figures to collect their data into a single file. name: str Name of this figure, optional, used for revisualisation of stored figures. resolution: tuple Image resolution provided as a tuple. boundingBox: tuple Tuple of coordinate tuples defining figure bounding box. For example ( (0.1,0.1), (0.9,0.9) ) facecolour: str Background colour for figure. edgecolour: str Edge colour for figure. title: str Figure title. axis: bool Bool to determine if figure axis should be drawn. quality: unsigned Antialiasing oversampling quality. For a value of 2, the image will be rendered at twice the resolution, and then downsampled. Setting this to 1 disables antialiasing, values higher than 3 are not recommended.. properties: str Further properties to set on the figure. Example ------- Create a figure: >>> import glucifer >>> fig = glucifer.Figure() We need a mesh >>> import underworld as uw >>> mesh = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian() Add drawing objects: >>> fig.Surface( mesh, 1.) Draw image (note, in a Jupyter notebook, this will render the image within the notebook). >>> <IPython.core.display.HTML object> Save the image >>> imgfile ="test_image") Clean up: >>> if imgfile: ... import os; ... os.remove( imgfile ) """ _viewerProc = None _id = 1 def __init__(self, store=None, name=None, figsize=None, boundingBox=None, facecolour="white", edgecolour="black", title="", axis=False, quality=1, *args, **kwargs): #Create a default database just for this figure if none provided if store and isinstance(store, Store): self.db = store else: self.db = Store() if name: if not isinstance(name,str): raise TypeError("'name' object passed in must be of python type 'str'") elif "name" in kwargs: name = kwargs["name"] else: name = "Figure_" + str(Figure._id) Figure._id += 1 = name if boundingBox and not isinstance(boundingBox,tuple): raise TypeError("'boundingBox' object passed in must be of type 'tuple'") if boundingBox and not isinstance(boundingBox[0],tuple): raise TypeError("'boundingBox[0]' object passed in must be of type 'tuple'") if boundingBox and not isinstance(boundingBox[1],tuple): raise TypeError("'boundingBox[1]' object passed in must be of type 'tuple'") if not isinstance(edgecolour,str): raise TypeError("'edgecolour' object passed in must be of python type 'str'") if not isinstance(axis,bool): raise TypeError("'axis' object passed in must be of python type 'bool'") if quality and not isinstance(quality,(int,float)): raise TypeError("'quality' object passed in must be of python type 'float' or 'int'") self["quality"]=quality #Setup default properties self.update({"resolution" : (640, 480), "title" : str(title), "axis" : axis, "antialias" : True, "background" : facecolour, "margin" : 34, "border" : (1 if edgecolour else 0), "bordercolour" : edgecolour, "rulers" : False, "zoomstep" : 0}) #User-defined props in kwargs self.update(kwargs) dict((k.lower(), v) for k, v in self.iteritems()) if boundingBox: #Add 3rd dimension if missing if len(boundingBox[0]) < 3 or len(boundingBox[1]) < 3: boundingBox = (tuple(list(boundingBox[0]) + [0]), tuple(list(boundingBox[1]) + [0])) self["min"] = boundingBox[0] self["max"] = boundingBox[1] #Legacy parameter if figsize and not isinstance(figsize,tuple): raise TypeError("'resolution' object passed in must be of python type 'tuple'") elif figsize: self["resolution"] = figsize self.draw = objects.Drawing() self._drawingObjects = [] self._script = [] #Types of all Drawing derived classes def all_subclasses(cls): return cls.__subclasses__() + [g for s in cls.__subclasses__() for g in all_subclasses(s)] #Object contructor shortcut methods #(allows constructing an object and adding to a figure directly from the figure object) for constr in all_subclasses(objects.Drawing): key = constr.__name__ if key[0] == '_': continue; #Skip internal #Use a closure to define a new method to call constructor and add to objects def addmethod(constr): def method(*args, **kwargs): obj = constr(*args, **kwargs) self.append(obj) return obj return method method = addmethod(constr) #Set docstring method.__doc__ = constr.__doc__ self.__setattr__(key, method) super(Figure, self).__init__(*args) def __del__(self): self.close_viewer() def _getProperties(self): #Convert properties to string return '\n'.join(['%s=%s' % (k,v) for k,v in self.iteritems()]); def _setProperties(self, newProps): #Update the properties values (merge) #values of any existing keys are replaced self.update(newProps) @property def resolution(self): """ resolution (tuple(int,int)): size of window in pixels. """ return self["resolution"] @property def facecolour(self): """ facecolour : colour of face background. """ return self["background"] @property def edgecolour(self): """ edgecolour : colour of figure border. """ return self["bordercolour"] @property def title(self): """ title : a title for the image. """ return self["title"] @property def axis(self): """ axis : Axis enabled if true. """ return self["axis"] @property def objects(self): """ objects : list of objects to be drawn within the figure. """ return self._drawingObjects @property def properties(self): """ properties (dict): visual properties of viewport, passed to LavaVu to control rendering output of figure. When using the property setter, new properties are set, overwriting any duplicate keys but keeping existing values otherwise. """ return self @properties.setter def properties(self, value): self._setProperties(value)
[docs] def show(self, type="Image"): """ Shows the generated image inline within an ipython notebook. Parameters ---------- type: str Type of visualisation to display ('Image' or 'WebGL'). If IPython is installed, displays the result image or WebGL content inline If IPython is not installed, this method will call the default image/web output routines to save the result with a default filename in the current directory """ try: if lavavu.is_notebook(): self._generate_DB() if uw.rank() > 0: return from IPython.display import display,Image,HTML if type.lower() == "webgl": display(self._generate_HTML()) else: #Return inline image result filename = self._generate_image() display(HTML("<img src='%s'>" % filename)) else: #Fallback to export image, type=type) except RuntimeError, e: print "Error creating image: " print e pass except: raise
def save_image(self, filename="", size=(0,0)): # For back compatibility return, size) def save_database(self, filename, regen=True): if regen: self._generate_DB() return
[docs] def save(self, filename=None, size=(0,0), type="Image"): """ Saves the generated image to the provided filename or the figure to the database. Parameters ---------- filename :str Filename to save file to. May include an absolute or relative path. size (tuple(int,int)): size of image in pixels, defaults to original figsize setting If omitted, simply saves the figure data without generating an image type: str Type of visualisation to save ('Image' or 'WebGL'). Returns ------- filename: str The final filename (including extension) used to save the image will be returned. Note that only the root process will return this filename. All other processes will not return anything. """ self._generate_DB() if filename is None or uw.rank() > 0: return if not isinstance(filename, str): raise TypeError("Provided parameter 'filename' must be of type 'str'. ") if size and not isinstance(size,tuple): raise TypeError("'size' object passed in must be of python type 'tuple'") try: if type.lower() == "webgl": lv = self.db.lvget() return else: return self._generate_image(filename, size) except RuntimeError,e: print "LavaVu error: " + str(e) import traceback traceback.print_exc() pass
def _generate_DB(self): objects = self._drawingObjects[:] #Only add default object if used if len(self.draw.vertices) > 0: objects.append(self.draw) self.db._generate(, objects, self) def _generate_image(self, filename="", size=(0,0)): if uw.rank() > 0: return try: #Render with viewer lv = self.db.lvget(quality=self["quality"], script=self._script) imagestr = lv.image(filename, resolution=size) #Return the generated filename return imagestr except RuntimeError,e: print "LavaVu error: " + str(e) import traceback traceback.print_exc() pass return "" def _generate_HTML(self): if uw.rank() > 0: return try: #Export encoded json string lv = self.db.lvget(script=self._script) #Create link to web content directory if not os.path.isdir("html"): os.symlink(os.path.join(self.db._lvpath, 'html'), 'html') jsonstr = #Write files to disk first, can be passed directly on url but is slow for large datasets filename = "input_" + + ".json" text_file = open("html/" + filename, "w") text_file.write(jsonstr); text_file.close() from IPython.display import IFrame return IFrame("html/viewer.html#" + filename, width=self["resolution"][0], height=self["resolution"][1]) #import base64 #return IFrame("html/index.html#" + base64.b64encode(jsonstr), width=self["resolution"][0], height=self["resolution"][1]) except RuntimeError,e: print "LavaVu error: " + str(e) import traceback traceback.print_exc() pass return ""
[docs] def script(self, cmd=None): """ Append to or get contents of the saved script. Parameters ---------- cmd: str Command to add to script. """ if cmd: if isinstance(cmd, list): self._script += cmd else: self._script += [cmd] else: self._script = [] #Returns contents as newline separated string return '\n'.join(self._script)
[docs] def window(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Open an inline viewer. This returns a new LavaVu instance to display the figure and opens it as an interactive viewing window. """ #Open a new viewer instance and display window if uw.rank() == 0: v = self.viewer(new=True, *args, **kwargs) #Ensure correct figure selected v.figure( #Show the inline window, v.window() return v
[docs] def viewer(self, new=False, *args, **kwargs): """ Return viewer instance. Parameters ---------- new: boolean If True, a new viewer instance will always be returned Otherwise the existing instance will be used if available """ #Open/get viewer instance if uw.rank() == 0: #Generate db if doesn't exist if not self.db._db.path: self._generate_DB() #Get a viewer instance, if new requested always run a new one if new: return self.db.lvrun(*args, **kwargs) else: return self.db.lvget(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def open_viewer(self, args=[], background=True): """ Open the external viewer. """ fname = self.db.filename if not fname: fname = os.path.join(tmpdir,"gluciferDB"+self.db._id+".gldb") self.save_database(fname) #Already open? if self._viewerProc and self._viewerProc.poll() == None: return if uw.rank() == 0: #Open viewer with local web server for interactive/iterative use if background: self._viewerProc = subprocess.Popen([self.db._lvbin, "-" + str(self.db.step), "-p9999", "-q90", fname] + self._script + args, stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT) from IPython.display import HTML return HTML('''<a href='#' onclick='"http://" + location.hostname + ":9999");'>Open Viewer Interface</a>''') else: self.db.lvget(db=fname, port=9999)
[docs] def close_viewer(self): """ Close the viewer. """ #poll() returns None if the process is alive if self._viewerProc and self._viewerProc.poll() == None: self.send_command("quit") self._viewerProc.kill() self._viewerProc = None
[docs] def send_command(self, cmd, retry=True): """ Run command on an open viewer instance. Parameters ---------- cmd: str Command to send to open viewer. """ if uw.rank() == 0: self.open_viewer() url = "http://localhost:9999/command=" + urllib2.quote(cmd) try: #print url response = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() #print response except: print "Send command '" + cmd + "' failed, no response" if retry: #Wait a few seconds so server has time to start then try again print "... retrying in 1s ..." time.sleep(1) self.send_command(cmd, False) else: print "... failed, skipping ..." pass
[docs] def clear(self): # DEPRECATE, remove for v2.4.0 raise RuntimeError("This method is now deprecated.\n" \ "To obtain an empty figure just create a new one")
def __add__(self,drawing_object): # DEPRECATE, remove for v2.4.0 raise RuntimeError("This method is now deprecated.\n" \ "To add drawing objects to figures, use the append() method:\n" \ " someFigure.append(someDrawingObject)")
[docs] def append(self,drawingObject): """ Add a drawing object to the figure. Parameters ---------- drawingObject: glucifer.objects.Drawing The drawing object to add to the figure """ if not isinstance(drawingObject, objects.Drawing): raise TypeError("Object your are trying to add to figure does not appear to be of type 'Drawing'.") self._drawingObjects.append( drawingObject )
@property def step(self): """ step (int): current timestep """ return self.db.step @step.setter def step(self, value): #Sets new step on db self.db.step = value
class Viewer(lavavu.Viewer): """ The Viewer class provides an interface to load stored figures and revisualise them This is a wrapper of the LavaVu Viewer object In addition to parameter specification below, see property docstrings and lavavu.Viewer help for further information. Parameters ---------- filename: str Filename of database used to previously store the visualisation figures Example ------- Open an existing database: >>> import glucifer >>> saved = glucifer.Viewer('vis.gldb') Iterate over the figures, print their names >>> for name in saved.figures(): >>> print(name) Get a figure by name and display (A chosen name can be provided when creating the figures to make this easier) >>> figures = saved.figures() >>> saved.figure("myfig") >>> Display all figures at each timestep >>> for step in saved.timesteps(): >>> saved.timestep(step) >>> for name in figures: >>> saved.figure(name) >>> """ _index = 0 def __init__(self, filename, *args, **kwargs): self._step = 0 if not isinstance(filename,str): raise TypeError("'filename' object passed in must be of python type 'str'") if filename and not filename.lower().endswith('.gldb') and not filename.lower().endswith('.db'): filename += ".gldb" self.filename = filename super(Viewer, self).__init__(database=filename, *args, **kwargs) def show(self): self.display() def showall(self): for fig in self.figures(): self.figure(fig) self.display()