Source code for underworld.utils._utils

##                                                                                   ##
##  This file forms part of the Underworld geophysics modelling application.         ##
##                                                                                   ##
##  For full license and copyright information, please refer to the file  ##
##  located at the project root, or contact the authors.                             ##
##                                                                                   ##
import underworld as uw
import underworld._stgermain as _stgermain
import underworld.mesh as mesh
import underworld.function
import libUnderworld
import libUnderworld.libUnderworldPy.Function as _cfn
from timeit import default_timer as timer
from mpi4py import MPI
import h5py
import numpy as np
import sys
import shutil
import os

[docs]class Integral(_stgermain.StgCompoundComponent): """ The `Integral` class constructs the volume integral .. math:: F_{i} = \int_V \, f_i(\mathbf{x}) \, \mathrm{d} V for some function :math:`f_i` (specified by a `Function` object), over some domain :math:`V` (specified by an `FeMesh` object), or the surface integral .. math:: F_{i} = \oint_{\Gamma} \, f_i(\mathbf{x}) \, \mathrm{d}\Gamma for some surface :math:`\\Gamma` (specified via an `IndexSet` object on the mesh). Parameters ---------- fn : uw.function.Function Function to be integrated. mesh : uw.mesh.FeMesh The mesh over which integration is performed. integrationType : str Type of integration to perform. Options are "volume" or "surface". surfaceIndexSet : uw.mesh.FeMesh_IndexSet Must be provided where integrationType is "surface". This IndexSet determines which surface is to be integrated over. Note that surface integration over interior nodes is not currently supported. integrationSwarm : uw.swarm.IntegrationSwarm (optional) User provided integration swarm. Notes ----- Constructor must be called by collectively all processes. Example ------- Calculate volume of mesh: >>> import underworld as uw >>> mesh = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian(minCoord=(0.,0.), maxCoord=(1.,1.)) >>> volumeIntegral = uw.utils.Integral(fn=1.,mesh=mesh) >>> np.allclose( 1., volumeIntegral.evaluate(), rtol=1e-8) True Calculate surface area of mesh: >>> surfaceIntegral = uw.utils.Integral(fn=1., mesh=mesh, integrationType='surface', surfaceIndexSet=mesh.specialSets["AllWalls_VertexSet"]) >>> np.allclose( 4., surfaceIntegral.evaluate(), rtol=1e-8) True """ _objectsDict = { "_integral": "Fn_Integrate" } _selfObjectName = "_integral" def __init__(self, fn, mesh=None, integrationType="volume", surfaceIndexSet=None, integrationSwarm=None, **kwargs): if not mesh: raise ValueError("A mesh object must be provided") if not isinstance(mesh, uw.mesh.FeMesh): raise TypeError("'feMesh' object passed in must be of type 'FeMesh'") self._mesh = mesh self._cself.mesh = self._mesh._cself self._maskFn = None self._fn = uw.function.Function.convert(fn) if integrationType and integrationSwarm: raise RuntimeError("Either an 'integrationType' or an 'integrationSwarm' may be provided, but not both.\n" +"You may need to set 'integrationType' to None.") if integrationType: if not isinstance( integrationType, str ): raise TypeError( "'integrationType' provided must be a string.") integrationType = integrationType.lower() if integrationType not in ["volume", "surface"]: raise ValueError( "'integrationType' string provided must be either 'volume' or 'surface'.") if integrationType == "volume": self._cself.isSurfaceIntegral = False integrationSwarm = uw.swarm.GaussIntegrationSwarm(mesh) else: self._cself.isSurfaceIntegral = True if not surfaceIndexSet: raise RuntimeError("For surface integration, you must provide a 'surfaceIndexSet'.") if not isinstance(surfaceIndexSet, uw.mesh.FeMesh_IndexSet ): raise TypeError("'surfaceIndexSet' must be of type 'FeMesh_IndexSet'.") if surfaceIndexSet.object != mesh: raise ValueError("'surfaceIndexSet' mesh does not appear to correspond to mesh provided to Integral object.") if surfaceIndexSet.topologicalIndex != 0: raise ValueError("'surfaceIndexSet' must correspond to vertex objects.") # check that nodes are boundary nodes try: allBoundaryNodes = mesh.specialSets['AllWalls_VertexSet'] except: raise ValueError("Mesh does not appear to provide a 'AllWalls_VertexSet' special set. This is required for surface integration.") for guy in surfaceIndexSet: inSet = int(guy) in allBoundaryNodes if not inSet: raise ValueError("Your surfaceIndexSet appears to contain node(s) which do not belong to the mesh boundary. Surface integration across internal nodes is not currently supported.") # create MeshVariable deltaMeshVariable = uw.mesh.MeshVariable(mesh, 1) # init to zero[:] = 0. # set to 1 on provided vertices[] = 1. # replace fn with delta*fn # note that we need to use this condition so that we only capture border swarm particles # on the surface itself. for those directly adjacent, the deltaMeshVariable will evaluate # to non-zero (but less than 1.), so we need to remove those from the integration as well. self._maskFn = underworld.function.branching.conditional( [ ( deltaMeshVariable > 0.999, 1. ), ( True, 0. ) ] ) self._fn = self._fn * self._maskFn integrationSwarm = uw.swarm.GaussBorderIntegrationSwarm(mesh) else: if not isinstance(integrationSwarm, uw.swarm.IntegrationSwarm): raise TypeError("'integrationSwarm' object passed in must be of type 'IntegrationSwarm'") self._integrationSwarm = integrationSwarm self._cself.integrationSwarm = integrationSwarm._cself self._cself.dim = mesh.dim # lets setup fn tings libUnderworld.Underworld._Fn_Integrate_SetFn( self._cself, self._fn._fncself) super(Integral,self).__init__(**kwargs) def _add_to_stg_dict(self,componentDictionary): pass
[docs] def evaluate(self): """ Perform integration. Notes ----- Method must be called collectively by all processes. Returns ------- result : list of floats Integration result. For vector integrals, a vector is returned. """ val = libUnderworld.Underworld.Fn_Integrate_Integrate( self._cself ) result = [] for ii in range(0,val.size()): result.append(val.value(ii)) return result
@property def maskFn(self): """ The integration mask used where surface integration is performed. """ if not self._maskFn: raise RuntimeError("No mask function appears to have been set.\n"+ "Note that mask functions are only set for surface integration.") return self._maskFn
[docs]class SavedFileData(object): ''' A class used to define saved data. Parameters ---------- pyobj: object python object saved data relates to. filename: str filename for saved data, full path ''' def __init__(self, pyobj, filename): self.pyobj = pyobj # required for swarms var .xdmf the need to read the original .h5 for the swarm self.filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
### Code for XDMF output ### ## Seperate functions for writing geometry to variable in def _xdmfheader(): out = ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n" + "<Xdmf xmlns:xi=\"\" Version=\"2.0\">\n" + "<Domain>\n") return out def _xdmffooter(): out = ("</Grid>\n" + "</Domain>\n" + "</Xdmf>\n" ) return out def _swarmspacetimeschema( swarmSavedData, swarmname, time ): """ Writes the swarm geometry schema for a swarm variable xdmf file Parameters: ---------- swarmSavedData : SavedFileData The SavedFileData handle to the saved Swarm. swarmname : str The name, in xdmf, to give the swam time : float The time stored in the xdmf file Returns ------- out : str string containing the xdmf schema """ # retrieve bits about previously saved swarm file swarm = swarmSavedData.pyobj filename = swarmSavedData.filename refName = os.path.basename(swarmSavedData.filename) # get swarm parameters - serially read from hdf5 file to get size h5f = h5py.File(name=filename, mode="r") dset = h5f.get('data') if dset == None: raise RuntimeError("Can't find 'data' in file '{}'.\n".format(filename)) globalCount = len(dset) h5f.close() dim = swarm.mesh.dim out = "<Grid Name=\"{0}\" GridType=\"Uniform\">\n".format(swarmname) out += "\n\t<Time Value=\"{0}\" />\n\n".format(time) out += "\t<Topology Type=\"POLYVERTEX\" NodesPerElement=\"{0}\"> </Topology>\n".format(globalCount) if dim == 2: out += "\t\t<Geometry Type=\"XY\">\n" elif dim == 3: out += "\t\t<Geometry Type=\"XYZ\">\n" else: raise RuntimeError( "Unexpected dim value of {0}, supported value 2 and 3 only".format(dim) ) out += "\t\t\t<DataItem Format=\"HDF\" NumberType=\"Float\" Precision=\"8\" Dimensions=\"{0} {1}\">{2}:/data</DataItem>\n".format(globalCount, dim, refName) out += "\t\t</Geometry>\n" return out def _xdmfAttributeschema( varname, variableType, centering, globalcount, dof_count, datafile ): """ Function to write out an xdmf attribute schema It saves rewriting this chunk for MeshVariables and SwarmVariable """ if dof_count==1: out = "\t<Attribute Type=\"Scalar\" Center=\"{0}\" Name=\"{1}\">\n".format(centering, varname) out += "\t\t\t<DataItem Format=\"HDF\" {0} Dimensions=\"{1} {2}\">{3}:/data</DataItem>\n".format(variableType, globalcount, dof_count, datafile ) out += "\t</Attribute>\n" elif dof_count==2: out = "\t<Attribute Type=\"Vector\" Center=\"{0}\" Name=\"{1}\">\n".format(centering, varname) out += "\t<DataItem ItemType=\"Function\" Dimensions=\"{0} 3\" Function=\"JOIN($0, $1, 0*$1)\">\n".format(globalcount) # X values out += "\t\t<DataItem ItemType=\"HyperSlab\" Dimensions=\"{0} 1\" Name=\"XValue\">\n".format(globalcount) out += "\t\t\t<DataItem Dimensions=\"3 2\" Format=\"XML\"> 0 0 1 1 {0} 1 </DataItem>\n".format(globalcount) out += "\t\t\t<DataItem Format=\"HDF\" {0} Dimensions=\"{1} {2}\">{3}:/data</DataItem>\n".format(variableType, globalcount, dof_count, datafile ) out += "\t\t</DataItem>\n" # Y values out += "\t\t<DataItem ItemType=\"HyperSlab\" Dimensions=\"{0} 1\" Name=\"YValue\">\n".format(globalcount) out += "\t\t\t<DataItem Dimensions=\"3 2\" Format=\"XML\"> 0 1 1 1 {0} 1 </DataItem>\n".format(globalcount) out += "\t\t\t<DataItem Format=\"HDF\" {0} Dimensions=\"{1} {2}\">{3}:/data</DataItem>\n".format(variableType, globalcount, dof_count, datafile ) out += "\t\t</DataItem>\n" out += "\t</DataItem>\n" out += "\t</Attribute>\n" elif dof_count==3: out = "\t<Attribute Type=\"Vector\" Center=\"{0}\" Name=\"{1}\">\n".format(centering, varname) out += "\t\t\t<DataItem Format=\"HDF\" {0} Dimensions=\"{1} {2}\">{3}:/data</DataItem>\n".format(variableType, globalcount, dof_count, datafile ) out += "\t</Attribute>\n" elif dof_count==6: # here we REORDER uw's 3D 2nd-order symmetric tensor to match XDMF's Tensor6 order # In UW our order is - (00, 11, 22, 01, 02, 12) # In XDMF the order is - (00, 01, 02, 11, 12, 22) out = "\t<Attribute Type=\"Tensor6\" Center=\"{0}\" Name=\"{1}\">\n".format(centering, varname) out += "\t<DataItem ItemType=\"Function\" Dimensions=\"{0} 6\" Function=\"JOIN($0, $3, $4, $1, $5, $2)\">\n".format(globalcount) for d_i in xrange(dof_count): out += "\t\t<DataItem ItemType=\"HyperSlab\" Dimensions=\"{0} 1\" Name=\"x{1}\">\n".format(globalcount, d_i) out += "\t\t\t<DataItem Dimensions=\"3 2\" Format=\"XML\"> 0 {0} 1 1 {1} 1 </DataItem>\n".format(d_i, globalcount) out += "\t\t\t<DataItem Format=\"HDF\" Dimensions=\"{0} 1\">{1}:/data</DataItem>\n".format(globalcount, datafile ) out += "\t\t</DataItem>\n" out += "\t</DataItem>\n" out += "\t</Attribute>\n" elif dof_count==9: out = "\t<Attribute Type=\"Tensor\" Center=\"{0}\" Name=\"{1}\">\n".format(centering, varname) out += "\t\t\t<DataItem Format=\"HDF\" {0} Dimensions=\"{1} {2}\">{3}:/data</DataItem>\n".format(variableType, globalcount, dof_count, datafile ) out += "\t</Attribute>\n" else: out = "" for d_i in xrange(dof_count): out += "\t<Attribute Type=\"Scalar\" Center=\"{0}\" Name=\"{1}-Component-{2}\">\n".format(centering, varname, d_i) out += "\t\t<DataItem ItemType=\"HyperSlab\" Dimensions=\"{0} 1\" >\n".format(globalcount) out += "\t\t\t<DataItem Dimensions=\"3 2\" Format=\"XML\"> 0 {0} 1 1 {1} 1 </DataItem>\n".format(offset, globalcount) out += "\t\t\t<DataItem Format=\"HDF\" {0} Dimensions=\"{1} {2}\">{3}:/data</DataItem>\n".format(variableType, globalcount, dof_count, datafile) out += "\t\t</DataItem>\n" out += "\t</Attribute>\n" return out def _swarmvarschema( varSavedData, varname ): """" Writes the attribute schema for a swarm variable xdmf file Parameters: ---------- varSavedData : SavedFileData The SavedFileData handle to the saved SwarmVariable varname : str The name, in xdmf, to give the SwarmVariable Returns ------- out : str string containing the xdmf schema """ # retrieve bits from varSavedData var = varSavedData.pyobj varfilename = varSavedData.filename refName = os.path.basename(varSavedData.filename) # set parameters - serially open the varfilename h5f = h5py.File(name=varfilename, mode="r") dset = h5f.get('data') if dset == None: raise RuntimeError("Can't find 'data' in file '{}'.\n".format(filename)) globalCount = len(dset) h5f.close() dof_count =[1] variableType = "NumberType=\"Float\" Precision=\"8\"" out = _xdmfAttributeschema( varname, variableType, "Node", globalCount, dof_count, refName ) return out def _spacetimeschema( savedMeshFile, meshname, time ): """ Writes the geometry schema portion for a MeshVariable xdmf file Parameters: ---------- savedMeshFile : SavedFileData The SavedFileData handle to the saved Mesh. meshname : str The name, in xdmf, to give the mesh time : float The time stored in the xdmf file Returns ------- out : str string containing the xdmf schema """ elementMesh = savedMeshFile.pyobj filename = os.path.basename(savedMeshFile.filename) # short ref only dim=elementMesh.dim nGlobalNodes = elementMesh.nodesGlobal nGlobalEls = elementMesh.elementsGlobal out = "<Grid Name=\"FEM_Mesh_{0}\">\n".format(meshname) out += "\n\t<Time Value=\"{0}\" />\n\n".format(time) if elementMesh.elementType=='Q1': # for linear meshes if elementMesh.dim == 2: topologyType = "Quadrilateral" nodesPerElement = 4 out += "\t<Topology Type=\"{0}\" NumberOfElements=\"{1}\">\n".format( topologyType, nGlobalEls) out += "\t\t<DataItem ItemType=\"Function\" Dimensions=\"{0} {1}\" Function=\"JOIN($0, $1, $3, $2)\">\n".format(nGlobalEls, nodesPerElement) else: nodesPerElement = 8 topologyType = "Hexahedron" out += "\t<Topology Type=\"{0}\" NumberOfElements=\"{1}\">\n".format( topologyType, nGlobalEls) out += "\t\t<DataItem ItemType=\"Function\" Dimensions=\"{0} {1}\" Function=\"JOIN($0, $1, $3, $2, $4, $5, $7, $6)\">\n".format(nGlobalEls, nodesPerElement) elif elementMesh.elementType=='Q2': # for quadratic meshes if elementMesh.dim == 2: topologyType = "Quadrilateral_9" nodesPerElement = 9 out += "\t<Topology Type=\"{0}\" NumberOfElements=\"{1}\">\n".format( topologyType, nGlobalEls) out += "\t\t<DataItem ItemType=\"Function\" Dimensions=\"{0} {1}\" Function=\"JOIN($0, $2, $8, $6, $1, $5, $7, $3, $4)\">\n".format( nGlobalEls, nodesPerElement ) else: nodesPerElement = 27 topologyType = "Hexahedron_27" out += "\t<Topology Type=\"{0}\" NumberOfElements=\"{1}\">\n".format( topologyType, nGlobalEls) out += ( "\t\t<DataItem ItemType=\"Function\" Dimensions=\"{0} {1}\" Function=\"JOIN( $0, $9, $2, $12, $22, $10, $4, $11, $3, "+ "$13, $26, $14, $24, $21, $25, $16, $27, $15, $5, $17, $6, $20, $23, $18, $8, $19, $7)\">\n".format( nGlobalEls, nodesPerElement ) ) else: raise RuntimeError("XDMF code doesn't support mesh with 'elementType' {0}".format(elementMesh.elementType)) # define each hyperslab element for the element-node map for n_i in xrange(nodesPerElement): out += "\t\t<DataItem ItemType=\"HyperSlab\" Dimensions=\"{0} 1\" Name=\"C{1}\">\n".format( nGlobalEls, n_i ) out += "\t\t\t\t<DataItem Dimensions=\"3 2\" Format=\"XML\"> 0 {0} 1 1 {1} 1 </DataItem>\n".format( n_i, nGlobalEls ) out += "\t\t\t\t<DataItem Format=\"HDF\" NumberType=\"Int\" Dimensions=\"{0} 1\">{1}:/en_map</DataItem>\n".format( nGlobalEls, filename ) out += "\t\t</DataItem>\n" out += "\t\t</DataItem>\n" variableType = "NumberType=\"Float\" Precision=\"8\"" out += "\t</Topology>\n" out += "\t<Geometry Type=\"XYZ\">\n" if dim == 2: # think this xdmf block can be defined with <Geometry Type="XY"> instead out += "\t\t<DataItem ItemType=\"Function\" Dimensions=\"{0} 3\" Function=\"JOIN($0, $1, 0*$1)\">\n".format(nGlobalNodes) out += "\t\t\t<DataItem ItemType=\"HyperSlab\" Dimensions=\"{0} 1\" Name=\"XCoords\">\n".format(nGlobalNodes) out += "\t\t\t\t<DataItem Dimensions=\"3 2\" Format=\"XML\"> 0 0 1 1 {0} 1 </DataItem>\n".format(nGlobalNodes) out += "\t\t\t\t<DataItem Format=\"HDF\" {0} Dimensions=\"{1} 2\">{2}:/vertices</DataItem>\n".format(variableType, nGlobalNodes, filename) out += "\t\t\t</DataItem>\n" out += "\t\t\t<DataItem ItemType=\"HyperSlab\" Dimensions=\"{0} 1\" Name=\"YCoords\">\n".format(nGlobalNodes) out += "\t\t\t\t<DataItem Dimensions=\"3 2\" Format=\"XML\"> 0 1 1 1 {0} 1 </DataItem>\n".format(nGlobalNodes) out += "\t\t\t\t<DataItem Format=\"HDF\" {0} Dimensions=\"{1} 2\">{2}:/vertices</DataItem>\n".format(variableType, nGlobalNodes, filename ) out += "\t\t\t</DataItem>\n" out += "\t\t</DataItem>\n" if dim == 3: out += "\t<DataItem Format=\"HDF\" {0} Dimensions=\"{1} 3\">{2}:/vertices</DataItem>\n".format(variableType, nGlobalNodes, filename) out += "\t</Geometry>\n" return out def _fieldschema(varSavedFile, varname ): """ Writes output the xmf portion for a MeshVariable Parameters: ---------- varSavedData : SavedFileData The SavedFileData handle to the saved SwarmVariable varname : str The name, in xdmf, to give the SwarmVariable Returns ------- out : str string containing the xdmf schema """ # Error check if not isinstance(varSavedFile, uw.utils.SavedFileData): raise TypeError("'varSavedFile', must be of type uw.utils.SavedFileData") if not isinstance(varname, str): raise TypeError("'varname', must be of type str") # get information about the saved field field = varSavedFile.pyobj filename = os.path.basename(varSavedFile.filename) # get the element mesh the field is defined on, ie don't use subMesh mesh = field.mesh if hasattr(mesh.generator, "geometryMesh"): mesh = field.mesh.generator.geometryMesh dim = mesh.dim dof_count =[1] nodesGlobal = field.mesh.nodesGlobal variableType = "NumberType=\"Float\" Precision=\"8\"" offset = 0 #OK: Temporary to get 3D running # get the location of the field nodes on the mesh if( nodesGlobal == mesh.nodesGlobal ): centering = "Node" elif (nodesGlobal == mesh.elementsGlobal ): centering = "Cell" else: raise RuntimeError("Can't output field '{}', unsupported elementType '{}'\n".format(varname, field.mesh.elementType) ) # more conditions needed above for various pressure elementTypes??? # valid XDMF centers are "Node | Cell | Grid | Face | Edge" - out = _xdmfAttributeschema( varname, variableType, centering, nodesGlobal, dof_count, filename ) return out def _createMeshName( mesh, outputDir='./output', index=None): """ Returns a string - "outputDir/Mesh_res_time.h5" """ if not index == None: if not isinstance(index, int): ValueError("'index' must be None or type int") # get resolution string tmp=map(str,mesh.elementRes) st='' for x in tmp: st += str(x)+'x' st = st[:-1] if index == None: return "{0}/Mesh_{1}.h5".format(outputDir,st) else: return "{0}/Mesh_{1}.{2}.h5".format(outputDir, st, index ) class ProgressBar(object): """ Class that provides a commandline Progress bar that plays well with piping to file. This class is unaware of parallelism and should be appropriately called. >>> rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() >>> end = 10.0 >>> bar = ProgressBar( start=0.0, end=end, title="Ordem e Progresso") >>> bar.update(end) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Ordem e Progresso: 0%----25%----50%----75%----100% | time ... | """ def __init__( self, start=0.0, end=1.0, title=None ): if not isinstance( start, (float,int) ): raise TypeError( "In ProgressBar, 'start', must be a scalar" ) if not isinstance( end, (float, int) ): raise TypeError( "In ProgressBar, 'end', must be a scalar" ) self._start=float(start) self._end=float(end) self._markers = [0, 25, 50, 75] self._history=0 self._startTime=0 if title != None: if not isinstance( title, str ): raise TypeError( "In ProgressBar, 'title', must be a scalar" ) self._title = title self._printTitle=True def update(self, progress): if isinstance( progress, int ): progress = float(progress) if not isinstance( progress, float ): raise TypeError( "In ProgressBar, 'progress', must be a scalar" ) start = self._start end = self._end markers = self._markers length = end-start relprog = int(100.0*(progress-start)/length) h = self._history if progress < start: raise RuntimeError( "Error in ProgressBar: 'progress' < 'start' " ) if relprog > 100: sys.stdout.write("Warning: "+ str(self._title)+ "'s ProgressBar is done\n") return if self._printTitle: sys.stdout.write(str(self._title)+': ') self._printTitle=False self._startTime=timer() while h < relprog: if h%5 == 0: if h % 25 == 0: sys.stdout.write("{0}%".format(h)) else: sys.stdout.write("-") h += 1 if h == 100: totalTime = timer() - self._startTime sys.stdout.write("100% | time {0:.4g} |\n".format(totalTime)) self._history = relprog sys.stdout.flush() def _nps_2norm( v, comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD ): """ Calculates the 2-norm of a numpy vector v. The vector may be decomposed across multiple processors as specified by 'comm'. Parameters ---------- v : numpy.ndarray, numpy object Assumed to be decomposed across processors as per 'comm' comm : MPI.Intracomm, default = MPI.COMM_WORLD The communicator that defines the group of processor to calculate the vector norm. By default it is all processors. Returns ------- $$ ||v||_{2} $$ Returns this value to all processors Note: This is a collective call and must be called by all processors with v """ if not isinstance(comm, MPI.Intracomm): raise TypeError("'comm' is not of value type 'MPI.Intracomm'") if not isinstance(v, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("'v' is not of value type 'numpy.ndarray'") lnorm_sq = np.linalg.norm(v)**2 # sq as this is 2-norm # comm all gather across procs gnorm_sq = np.sum( comm.allgather(lnorm_sq) ) return np.sqrt(gnorm_sq)
[docs]def is_kernel(): """ Function to determine if the script is being run in an ipython or jupyter notebook or in a regular python interpreter. Return true if in ipython or Jupyter notebook, False otherwise. """ if 'IPython' not in sys.modules: # IPython hasn't been imported, definitely not return False from IPython import get_ipython # check for `kernel` attribute on the IPython instance return getattr(get_ipython(), 'kernel', None) is not None