Source code for underworld.mesh._meshvariable

##                                                                                   ##
##  This file forms part of the Underworld geophysics modelling application.         ##
##                                                                                   ##
##  For full license and copyright information, please refer to the file  ##
##  located at the project root, or contact the authors.                             ##
##                                                                                   ##
import underworld._stgermain as _stgermain
import underworld as uw
import libUnderworld.libUnderworldPy.Function as _cfn
import libUnderworld
from mpi4py import MPI
import h5py
import numpy as np
import os

[docs]class MeshVariable(_stgermain.StgCompoundComponent,uw.function.Function,_stgermain.Save,_stgermain.Load): """ The MeshVariable class generates a variable supported by a finite element mesh. To set / read nodal values, use the numpy interface via the 'data' property. Parameters ---------- mesh : underworld.mesh.FeMesh The supporting mesh for the variable. dataType : string, default="double" The data type for the variable. Note that only 'double' type variables are currently supported nodeDofCount : int Number of degrees of freedom per node the variable should have. See property docstrings for further information. Example ------- For example, to create a scalar meshVariable: >>> linearMesh = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian( elementType='Q1/dQ0', elementRes=(16,16), minCoord=(0.,0.), maxCoord=(1.,1.) ) >>> scalarFeVar = uw.mesh.MeshVariable( mesh=linearMesh, nodeDofCount=1, dataType="double" ) or a vector meshvariable can be created: >>> vectorFeVar = uw.mesh.MeshVariable( mesh=linearMesh, nodeDofCount=3, dataType="double" ) """ _objectsDict = { "_meshvariable": "FeVariable", "_cmeshvariable": "MeshVariable", "_doflayout" : "DofLayout" } _selfObjectName = "_meshvariable" _supportedDataTypes = ["char","short","int","float", "double"] def __init__(self, mesh, nodeDofCount, dataType="double", **kwargs): if not isinstance(mesh, uw.mesh.FeMesh): raise TypeError("'mesh' object passed in must be of type 'FeMesh'") self._mesh = mesh if not isinstance(dataType,str): raise TypeError("'dataType' object passed in must be of type 'str'") if dataType.lower() not in self._supportedDataTypes: raise ValueError("'dataType' provided ({}) does not appear to be supported. \nSupported types are {}.".format(dataType.lower(),self._supportedDataTypes)) self._dataType = dataType if not dataType=="double": raise ValueError("Only MeshVariables of type 'double' are currently supported.") if not isinstance(nodeDofCount, int): raise TypeError("'nodeDofCount' object passed in must be of type 'int'") if nodeDofCount < 1: raise ValueError("'nodeDofCount' must be one or greater.") self._nodeDofCount = nodeDofCount # add this to keep second parent happy.. not ideal. actualy function setup # occurs in the _setup method below self._fncself=None # also null this guy initially self._fn_gradient = None # build parent super(MeshVariable,self).__init__(argument_fns=None, **kwargs) @property def dataType(self): """ Returns ------- str Data type for variable. Supported types are 'double'. """ return self._dataType @property def nodeDofCount(self): """ Returns ------- int Degrees of freedom on each mesh node that this variable provides. """ return self._nodeDofCount @property def mesh(self): """ Returns ------- underworld.mesh.FeMesh Supporting FeMesh for this MeshVariable. """ return self._mesh @property def data(self): """ Numpy proxy array to underlying variable data. Note that the returned array is a proxy for all the *local* nodal data, and is provided as 1d list. It is possible to change the shape of this numpy array to reflect the cartesian topology (where appropriate), though again only the local portion of the decomposed domain will be available, and the shape will not necessarily be identical on all processors. As these arrays are simply proxys to the underlying memory structures, no data copying is required. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The proxy array. Example ------- >>> linearMesh = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian( elementType='Q1/dQ0', elementRes=(16,16), minCoord=(0.,0.), maxCoord=(1.,1.) ) >>> scalarFeVar = uw.mesh.MeshVariable( mesh=linearMesh, nodeDofCount=1, dataType="double" ) >>> (289, 1) You can retrieve individual nodal values >>>[100] array([ 0.]) Likewise you can modify nodal values >>>[100] = 15.333 >>>[100] array([ 15.333]) """ return libUnderworld.StGermain.Variable_getAsNumpyArray(self._cmeshvariable) def _add_to_stg_dict(self,componentDictionary): # call parents method super(MeshVariable,self)._add_to_stg_dict(componentDictionary) componentDictionary[ ]["mesh"] = componentDictionary[ ]["Rank"] = "Vector" componentDictionary[ ]["DataType"] = self.dataType componentDictionary[ ]["VectorComponentCount"] = self.nodeDofCount componentDictionary[ ]["names"] = [] for ii in range(0,self.nodeDofCount): componentDictionary[ ]["names"].append( + "_" + str(ii) ) componentDictionary[ ]["MeshVariable"] = componentDictionary[ ]["FEMesh"] = componentDictionary[ ]["DofLayout"] = componentDictionary[ ]["fieldComponentCount"] = self.nodeDofCount componentDictionary[ ]["dim"] = self._mesh.generator.dim def _setup(self): # now actually setup function guy self._fncself = _cfn.FeVariableFn(self._cself) self._underlyingDataItems.add(self) @property def fn_gradient(self): """ Returns a Function for the gradient field of this meshvariable. Note that for a scalar variable `T`, the gradient function returns an array of the form: .. math:: [ \\frac{\\partial T}{\\partial x}, \\frac{\\partial T}{\\partial y}, \\frac{\\partial T}{\\partial z} ] and for a vector variable `v`: .. math:: [ \\frac{\\partial v_x}{\\partial x}, \\frac{\\partial v_x}{\\partial y}, \\frac{\\partial v_x}{\\partial z}, \\frac{\\partial v_y}{\\partial x}, \\frac{\\partial v_y}{\\partial y}, \\frac{\\partial v_y}{\\partial z}, \\frac{\\partial v_z}{\\partial x}, \\frac{\\partial v_z}{\\partial y}, \\frac{\\partial v_z}{\\partial z} ] Returns ------- underworld.function.Function The gradient function. """ if not self._fn_gradient: # lets define a wrapper class here import underworld.function as function class _gradient(function.Function): def __init__(self, meshvariable, **kwargs): # create instance self._fncself = _cfn.GradFeVariableFn(meshvariable._cself) # build parent super(_gradient,self).__init__(argument_fns=None, **kwargs) self._underlyingDataItems.add(meshvariable) self._fn_gradient = _gradient(self) return self._fn_gradient
[docs] def xdmf( self, filename, fieldSavedData, varname, meshSavedData, meshname, modeltime=0. ): """ Creates an xdmf file, filename, associating the fieldSavedData file on the meshSavedData file Notes ----- xdmf contain 2 files: an .xml and a .h5 file. See This method only needs to be called by the master process, all other processes return quiely. Parameters ---------- filename : str The output path to write the xdmf file. Relative or absolute paths may be used, but all directories must exist. varname : str The xdmf name to give the field meshSavedData : underworld.utils.SaveFileData Handler returned for saving a mesh. meshname : str The xdmf name to give the mesh fieldSavedData : underworld.SavedFileData Handler returned from saving a field. modeltime : float (default 0.0) The time recorded in the xdmf output file Example ------- First create the mesh add a variable: >>> mesh = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian( elementType='Q1/dQ0', elementRes=(16,16), minCoord=(0.,0.), maxCoord=(1.,1.) ) >>> var = uw.mesh.MeshVariable( mesh=mesh, nodeDofCount=1, dataType="double" ) Write something to variable >>> import numpy as np >>>[:,0] = np.arange([0]) Save mesh and var to a file: >>> meshDat ="saved_mesh.h5") >>> varDat ="saved_mesh_variable.h5") Now let's create the xdmf file >>> var.xdmf("TESTxdmf", varDat, "var1", meshDat, "meshie" ) Does file exist? >>> import os >>> if uw.rank() == 0: os.path.isfile("TESTxdmf.xdmf") True Clean up: >>> if uw.rank() == 0: ... import os; ... os.remove( "saved_mesh_variable.h5" ) ... os.remove( "saved_mesh.h5" ) ... os.remove( "TESTxdmf.xdmf" ) """ if uw.rank() == 0: if not isinstance(varname, str): raise ValueError("'varname' must be of type str") if not isinstance(meshname, str): raise ValueError("'meshname' must be of type str") if not isinstance(filename, str): raise ValueError("'filename' must be of type str") if not isinstance(meshSavedData, uw.utils.SavedFileData ): raise ValueError("'meshSavedData' must be of type SavedFileData") if not isinstance(fieldSavedData, uw.utils.SavedFileData ): raise ValueError("'fieldSavedData' must be of type SavedFileData") if not isinstance(modeltime, (int,float)): raise ValueError("'modeltime' must be of type int or float") modeltime = float(modeltime) # make modeltime a float elementMesh = self.mesh if hasattr(elementMesh.generator, 'geometryMesh'): elementMesh = elementMesh.generator.geometryMesh # get the elementMesh - if self is a subMeshed variable get the parent if elementMesh != meshSavedData.pyobj: raise RuntimeError("'meshSavedData file doesn't correspond to the object's mesh") if not filename.lower().endswith('.xdmf'): filename += '.xdmf' # the xmf file is stored in 'string' # 1st write header string = uw.utils._xdmfheader() string += uw.utils._spacetimeschema( meshSavedData, meshname, modeltime ) string += uw.utils._fieldschema( fieldSavedData, varname ) # write the footer to the xmf string += uw.utils._xdmffooter() # write the string to file - only proc 0 xdmfFH = open(filename, "w") xdmfFH.write(string) xdmfFH.close()
[docs] def save( self, filename, meshHandle=None ): """ Save the MeshVariable to disk. Parameters ---------- filename : string The name of the output file. Relative or absolute paths may be used, but all directories must exist. meshHandle :uw.utils.SavedFileData , optional The saved mesh file handle. If provided, a link is created within the mesh variable file to this saved mesh file. Important for checkpoint when the mesh deforms. Notes ----- This method must be called collectively by all processes. Returns ------- underworld.utils.SavedFileData Data object relating to saved file. This only needs to be retained if you wish to create XDMF files and can be ignored otherwise. Example ------- First create the mesh add a variable: >>> mesh = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian( elementType='Q1/dQ0', elementRes=(16,16), minCoord=(0.,0.), maxCoord=(1.,1.) ) >>> var = uw.mesh.MeshVariable( mesh=mesh, nodeDofCount=1, dataType="double" ) Write something to variable >>> import numpy as np >>>[:,0] = np.arange([0]) Save to a file (note that the 'ignoreMe' object isn't really required): >>> ignoreMe ="saved_mesh_variable.h5") Now let's try and reload. >>> clone_var = uw.mesh.MeshVariable( mesh=mesh, nodeDofCount=1, dataType="double" ) >>> clone_var.load("saved_mesh_variable.h5") Now check for equality: >>> np.allclose(, True >>> # clean up: >>> if uw.rank() == 0: ... import os; ... os.remove( "saved_mesh_variable.h5" ) """ if not isinstance(filename, str): raise TypeError("Expected 'filename' to be provided as a string") mesh = self.mesh h5f = h5py.File(name=filename, mode="w", driver='mpio', comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD) # ugly global shape def globalShape = ( mesh.nodesGlobal,[1] ) # create dataset dset = h5f.create_dataset("data", shape=globalShape, # write to the dset using the global node ids local = mesh.nodesLocal dset[mesh.data_nodegId[0:local],:] =[0:local] # save a hdf5 attribute to the elementType used for this field - maybe useful h5f.attrs["elementType"] = np.string_(mesh.elementType) ## setup reference to mesh - THE GEOMETRY MESH saveDir = os.path.dirname(filename) if hasattr( mesh.generator, "geometryMesh"): mesh = mesh.generator.geometryMesh if meshHandle: if not isinstance(meshHandle, (str, uw.utils.SavedFileData)): raise TypeError("Expected 'meshHandle' to be of type 'uw.utils.SavedFileData'") if isinstance(meshHandle, str): # DEPRECATION check import warnings warnings.warn("'meshHandle' paramater should be of type uw.utils.SaveFileData. Please update your models. "+ "Accepting 'meshHandle' as a string parameter will be removed in the next release.") meshFilename = meshHandle else: meshFilename = meshHandle.filename if not os.path.exists(meshFilename): raise ValueError("You are trying to link against the mesh file '{}'\n\ that does not appear to exist. If you need to link \n\ against a mesh file, please make sure it is created first.".format(meshFilename)) # set reference to mesh (all procs must call following) h5f["mesh"] = h5py.ExternalLink(meshFilename, "./") h5f.close() # return our file handle return uw.utils.SavedFileData(self, filename)
[docs] def load(self, filename, interpolate=False ): """ Load the MeshVariable from disk. Parameters ---------- filename: str The filename for the saved file. Relative or absolute paths may be used, but all directories must exist. interpolate: bool (default False) Set to True to interpolate a file containing different resolution data. Note that a temporary MeshVariable with the file data will be build on **each** processor. Also note that the temporary MeshVariable can only be built if its corresponding mesh file is available. Also note that the supporting mesh mush be regular. Notes ----- This method must be called collectively by all processes. If the file data array is the same length as the current variable global size, it is assumed the file contains compatible data. Note that this may not be the case where for example where you have saved using a 2*8 resolution mesh, then loaded using an 8*2 resolution mesh. Provided files must be in hdf5 format, and use the correct schema. Example ------- Refer to example provided for 'save' method. """ if not isinstance(filename, str): raise TypeError("Expected filename to be provided as a string") # get field and mesh information h5f = h5py.File( filename, "r", driver='mpio', comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD ); dset = h5f.get('data') if dset == None: raise RuntimeError("Can't find the 'data' in hdf5 file '{0}'".format(filename) ) dof = dset.shape[1] if dof !=[1]: raise RuntimeError("Can't load hdf5 '{0}', incompatible data shape".format(filename)) if len(dset) == self.mesh.nodesGlobal: # assume dset matches field exactly mesh = self.mesh local = mesh.nodesLocal[0:local] = dset[mesh.data_nodegId[0:local],:] else: if not interpolate: raise RuntimeError("Provided data file appears to be for a different resolution MeshVariable.\n"\ "If you would like to interpolate the data to the current variable, please set\n" \ "the 'interpolate' parameter. Check docstring for important caveats of interpolation method.") # if here then we build a local version of the entire file field and interpolate it's values # first get file field's mesh if h5f.get('mesh') == None: raise RuntimeError("The hdf5 field to be loaded with interpolation must have an associated "+ "'mesh' hdf5 file. Resave the field with its associated mesh."+ "i.e.\"filename.h5\", meshFilename)" ) # get resolution of old mesh res = h5f['mesh'].attrs.get('mesh resolution') if res is None: raise RuntimeError("Can't read the 'mesh resolution' for the field hdf5 file,"+ " was it created correctly?") # get max of old mesh inputMax = h5f['mesh'].attrs.get('max') if inputMax is None: raise RuntimeError("Can't read the 'max' for the field hdf5 file,"+ " was it created correctly?") inputMin = h5f['mesh'].attrs.get('min') if inputMin is None: raise RuntimeError("Can't read the 'min' for the field hdf5 file,"+ " was it created correctly?") regular = h5f['mesh'].attrs.get('regular') if regular and regular!=True: raise RuntimeError("Saved mesh file appears to correspond to a irregular mesh.\n"\ "Interpolating from irregular mesh not currently supported." ) elType = h5f['mesh'].attrs.get('elementType') # for backwards compatiblity, the 'elementType' attribute was added Feb2017 if elType == None: elType = 'Q1' # build the NON-PARALLEL field and mesh inputMesh = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian( elementType = (elType+"/DQ0"), # only geometryMesh can be saved elementRes = tuple(res), minCoord = tuple(inputMin), maxCoord = tuple(inputMax), partitioned=False) # load data onto MeshVariable if len(dset) == inputMesh.nodesGlobal: inputField = uw.mesh.MeshVariable( mesh=inputMesh, nodeDofCount=dof ) elif dset.shape[0] == inputMesh.subMesh.nodesGlobal: # load as a subMesh # assume the dset field belongs to the subMesh inputField = uw.mesh.MeshVariable( mesh=inputMesh.subMesh, nodeDofCount=dof ) else: # raise error raise RuntimeError("The saved mesh file can't be read onto the interpolation grid.\n" \ "Note: only subMesh variable with elementType 'DQ0' can be used presently used") # copy hdf5 numpy array onto serial inputField[:] = dset[:] # interpolate 'inputField' onto the self nodes[:] = inputField.evaluate( uw.libUnderworld.StgFEM._FeVariable_SyncShadowValues( self._cself ) h5f.close()
[docs] def copy(self, deepcopy=False): """ This method returns a copy of the meshvariable. Parameters ---------- deepcopy: bool (default False) If True, the variable's data is also copied into new variable. Returns ------- underworld.mesh.MeshVariable The mesh variable copy. Example ------- >>> mesh = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian() >>> var = uw.mesh.MeshVariable(mesh,2) >>> import math >>>[:] = (math.pi,math.exp(1.)) >>> varCopy = var.copy() >>> varCopy.mesh == var.mesh True >>> varCopy.nodeDofCount == var.nodeDofCount True >>> import numpy as np >>> np.allclose(, False >>> varCopy2 = var.copy(deepcopy=True) >>> np.allclose(, True """ if not isinstance(deepcopy, bool): raise TypeError("'deepcopy' parameter is expected to be of type 'bool'.") newFe = MeshVariable(self.mesh, self.nodeDofCount, self.dataType) if deepcopy:[:] =[:] return newFe
[docs] def syncronise(self): """ This method is often necessary when Underworld is operating in parallel. It will syncronise the mesh variable so that it is consistent with it's parallel neighbours. Specifically, the shadow space of each process obtains the required data from neighbouring processes. """ uw.libUnderworld.StgFEM._FeVariable_SyncShadowValues( self._cself )