Source code for glucifer.objects

##                                                                                   ##
##  This file forms part of the Underworld geophysics modelling application.         ##
##                                                                                   ##
##  For full license and copyright information, please refer to the file  ##
##  located at the project root, or contact the authors.                             ##
##                                                                                   ##

import underworld as _underworld
import underworld._stgermain as _stgermain
import underworld.swarm as _swarmMod
import underworld.mesh as _uwmesh
from underworld.function import Function as _Function
import libUnderworld as _libUnderworld

#TODO: Drawing Objects to implement
# IsoSurface, IsoSurfaceCrossSection
# MeshSurface/MeshSampler (surface/volumes using MeshCrossSection sampler)
# Contour, ContourCrossSection
# HistoricalSwarmTrajectory
# VectorArrowMeshCrossSection?
# Maybe later...
# TextureMap
# SwarmShapes, SwarmRGB, SwarmVectors
# EigenVectors, EigenVectorCrossSection
# FeVariableSurface

#Some preset colourmaps
# aim to reduce banding artifacts by being either 
# - isoluminant
# - smoothly increasing in luminance
# - diverging in luminance about centre value
colourMaps = {}
#Isoluminant blue-orange
colourMaps["isolum"] = "#288FD0 #50B6B8 #989878 #C68838 #FF7520"
#Diverging blue-yellow-orange
colourMaps["diverge"] = "#288FD0 #fbfb9f #FF7520"
#Isoluminant rainbow blue-green-orange
colourMaps["rainbow"] = "#5ed3ff #6fd6de #7ed7be #94d69f #b3d287 #d3ca7b #efc079 #ffb180"
#CubeLaw indigo-blue-green-yellow
colourMaps["cubelaw"] = "#440088 #831bb9 #578ee9 #3db6b6 #6ce64d #afeb56 #ffff88"
#CubeLaw indigo-blue-green-orange-yellow
colourMaps["cubelaw2"] = "#440088 #1b83b9 #6cc35b #ebbf56 #ffff88"
#CubeLaw heat blue-magenta-yellow)
colourMaps["smoothheat"] = "#440088 #831bb9 #c66f5d #ebbf56 #ffff88"
#Paraview cool-warm (diverging)
colourMaps["coolwarm"] = "#3b4cc0 #7396f5 #b0cbfc #dcdcdc #f6bfa5 #ea7b60 #b50b27"

[docs]class ColourMap(_stgermain.StgCompoundComponent): """ The ColourMap class provides functionality for mapping colours to numerical values. Parameters ---------- colours: str, list List of colours to use for drawing object colour map. Provided as a string or as a list of strings. Example, "red blue", or ["red", "blue"] This should not be specified if 'colourMap' is specified. valueRange: tuple, list User defined value range to apply to colour map. Provided as a tuple of floats (minValue, maxValue). If none is provided, the value range will be determined automatically. logScale: bool Bool to determine if the colourMap should use a logarithmic scale. discrete: bool Bool to determine if a discrete colour map should be used. Discrete colour maps do not interpolate between colours and instead use nearest neighbour for colouring. """ _selfObjectName = "_cm" _objectsDict = { "_cm": "lucColourMap" } def __init__(self, colours=colourMaps["diverge"], valueRange=None, logScale=False, discrete=False, **kwargs): if not hasattr(self, "properties"): = {} if not isinstance(colours,(str,list)): raise TypeError("'colours' object passed in must be of python type 'str' or 'list'") if isinstance(colours,(list)):{"colours" : ' '.join(colours)}) else:{"colours" : colours}) #User-defined props in kwargs dict((k.lower(), v) for k, v in if valueRange != None: # is valueRange correctly defined, ie list of length 2 made of numbers if not isinstance( valueRange, (list,tuple)): raise TypeError("'valueRange' objected passed in must be of type 'list' or 'tuple'") if len(valueRange) != 2: raise ValueError("'valueRange' must have 2 real values") for item in valueRange: if not isinstance( item, (int, float) ): raise TypeError("'valueRange' must contain real numbers") if not valueRange[0] < valueRange[1]: raise ValueError("The first number of the valueRange list must be smaller than the second number") # valueRange arg is good{"range" : [valueRange[0], valueRange[1]]}) else:{"range" : [0.0, 0.0]}) # ignored if not isinstance(logScale, bool): raise TypeError("'logScale' parameter must be of 'bool' type.") self._logScale = logScale{"logscale" : logScale}) if not isinstance(discrete, bool): raise TypeError("'discrete' parameter must be of 'bool' type."){"discrete" : discrete}) # build parent super(ColourMap,self).__init__() def _add_to_stg_dict(self,componentDictionary): # call parents method super(ColourMap,self)._add_to_stg_dict(componentDictionary) #dict methods def update(self, newdict): def __getitem__(self, key): return[key] def __setitem__(self, key, item):[key] = item def _getProperties(self): #Convert properties to string return '\n'.join(['%s=%s' % (k,v) for k,v in]);
[docs]class Drawing(_stgermain.StgCompoundComponent): """ This is the base class for all drawing objects but can also be instantiated as is for direct/custom drawing. Note that the defaults here are often overridden by the child objects. Parameters ---------- colours: str, list. See ColourMap class docstring for further information colourMap: glucifer.objects.ColourMap A ColourMap object for the object to use. This should not be specified if 'colours' is specified. opacity: float Opacity of object. If provided, must take values from 0. to 1. colourBar: bool Bool to determine if a colour bar should be rendered. valueRange: tuple, list See ColourMap class docstring for further information logScale: bool See ColourMap class docstring for further information discrete: bool See ColourMap class docstring for further information """ _selfObjectName = "_dr" _objectsDict = { "_dr": "lucDrawingObject" } # child should replace _dr with own derived type def __init__(self, name=None, colours=None, colourMap=None, colourBar=False, valueRange=None, logScale=False, discrete=False, *args, **kwargs): if not hasattr(self, "properties"): = {} if colours and colourMap: raise RuntimeError("You should specify 'colours' or a 'colourMap', but not both.") if colourMap: self._colourMap = colourMap elif colours: self._colourMap = ColourMap(colours=colours, valueRange=valueRange, logScale=logScale) else: self._colourMap = ColourMap(valueRange=valueRange, logScale=logScale) #User-defined props in kwargs dict((k.lower(), v) for k, v in if not isinstance(colourBar, bool): raise TypeError("'colourBar' parameter must be of 'bool' type.") self._colourBar = None if colourBar: #Create the associated colour bar self._colourBar = ColourBar(colourMap=self._colourMap) if name:["name"] = str(name) self.resetDrawing() # build parent super(Drawing,self).__init__(*args) def _add_to_stg_dict(self,componentDictionary): # call parents method super(Drawing,self)._add_to_stg_dict(componentDictionary) # add an empty(ish) drawing object. children should fill it out. componentDictionary[].update( { "properties" :self._getProperties(), "ColourMap" } ) #dict methods def update(self, newdict): def __getitem__(self, key): return[key] def __setitem__(self, key, item):[key] = item def _getProperties(self): #Convert properties to string return '\n'.join(['%s=%s' % (k,v) for k,v in]); def resetDrawing(self): #Clear direct drawing data self.vertices = [] self.vectors = [] self.scalars = [] self.labels = [] self.geomType = None #Direct drawing methods
[docs] def label(self, text, pos=(0.,0.,0.), font="sans", scaling=1): """ Writes a label string Parameters ---------- text: str label text. pos: tuple X,Y,Z position to place the label. font : str label font (small/fixed/sans/serif/vector). scaling : float label font scaling (for "vector" font only). """ self.geomType = _libUnderworld.gLucifer.lucLabelType self.vertices.append(pos) self.labels.append(text){"font" : font, "fontscale" : scaling}) #Merge
[docs] def point(self, pos=(0.,0.,0.)): """ Draws a point Parameters ---------- pos : tuple X,Y,Z position to place the point """ self.geomType = _libUnderworld.gLucifer.lucPointType self.vertices.append(pos)
[docs] def line(self, start=(0.,0.,0.), end=(0.,0.,0.)): """ Draws a line Parameters ---------- start : tuple X,Y,Z position to start line end : tuple X,Y,Z position to end line """ self.geomType = _libUnderworld.gLucifer.lucLineType self.vertices.append(start) self.vertices.append(end)
[docs] def vector(self, position=(0.,0.,0.), vector=(0.,0.,0.)): """ Draws a vector Parameters ---------- position : tuple X,Y,Z position to centre vector on vector : tuple X,Y,Z vector value """ self.geomType = _libUnderworld.gLucifer.lucVectorType self.vertices.append(position) self.vectors.append(vector)
@property def colourBar(self): """ colourBar (dict): return colour bar of drawing object, create if doesn't yet exist. """ if not self._colourBar: self._colourBar = ColourBar(colourMap=self._colourMap) return self._colourBar
[docs]class ColourBar(Drawing): """ The ColourBar drawing object draws a colour bar for the provided colour map. Parameters ---------- colourMap: glucifer.objects.ColourMap Colour map for which the colour bar will be drawn. """ def __init__(self, colourMap, *args, **kwargs): #Default properties = {"colourbar" : 1} # build parent super(ColourBar,self).__init__(colourMap=colourMap, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class CrossSection(Drawing): """ This drawing object class defines a cross-section plane, derived classes plot data over this cross section See parent class for further parameter details. Also see property docstrings. Parameters --------- mesh : underworld.mesh.FeMesh Mesh over which cross section is rendered. fn : underworld.function.Function Function used to determine values to render. crossSection : str Cross Section definition, eg. z=0. resolution : unsigned Surface rendered sampling resolution. """ _objectsDict = { "_dr": "lucCrossSection" } def __init__(self, mesh, fn, crossSection="", resolution=100, colours=None, colourMap=None, colourBar=True, valueRange=None, logScale=False, discrete=False, offsetEdges=None, *args, **kwargs): self._fn = _underworld.function.Function.convert(fn) if not isinstance(mesh,_uwmesh.FeMesh): raise TypeError("'mesh' object passed in must be of type 'FeMesh'") self._mesh = mesh if not isinstance(crossSection,str): raise ValueError("'crossSection' parameter must be of python type 'str'") self._crossSection = crossSection self._offsetEdges = offsetEdges if not isinstance(resolution,int): raise TypeError("'resolution' parameter must be of python type 'int'") if resolution < 1: raise ValueError("'resolution' parameter must be greater than zero") self._resolution = resolution # build parent super(CrossSection,self).__init__(colours=colours, colourMap=colourMap, colourBar=colourBar, valueRange=valueRange, logScale=logScale, discrete=discrete, *args, **kwargs) def _setup(self): _libUnderworld.gLucifer._lucCrossSection_SetFn( self._cself, self._fn._fncself ) if self._offsetEdges != None: self._dr.offsetEdges = self._offsetEdges def _add_to_stg_dict(self,componentDictionary): # lets build up component dictionary # call parents method super(CrossSection,self)._add_to_stg_dict(componentDictionary) componentDictionary[].update( { "Mesh":, "crossSection": self._crossSection, "resolution" : self._resolution } ) @property def crossSection(self): """ crossSection (str): Cross Section definition, eg;: z=0. """ return self._crossSection
[docs]class SurfaceOnMesh(CrossSection): """ This drawing object class draws a surface using the provided scalar field. This object differs from the `Surface` class in that it samples the mesh nodes directly, as opposed to sampling across a regular grid. This class should be used in particular where a mesh has been deformed. See parent class for further parameter details. Also see property docstrings. Notes ----- The interface to this object will be revised in future versions. Parameters --------- mesh : underworld.mesh.FeMesh Mesh over which cross section is rendered. fn : underworld.function.Function Function used to determine values to render. drawSides : str Sides (x,y,z,X,Y,Z) for which the surface should be drawn. For example, "xyzXYZ" would render the provided function across all surfaces of the domain in 3D. In 2D, this object always renders across the entire domain. """ # let's just build both objects because we aint sure yet which one we want to use yet _objectsDict = { "_dr" : "lucScalarFieldOnMesh" } def __init__(self, mesh, fn, drawSides="xyzXYZ", colours=None, colourMap=None, colourBar=True, valueRange=None, logScale=False, discrete=False, *args, **kwargs): if not isinstance(drawSides,str): raise ValueError("'drawSides' parameter must be of python type 'str'") self._drawSides = drawSides #Default properties = {"cullface" : True} # TODO: disable lighting if 2D (how to get dims?)["lit"] = False # build parent super(SurfaceOnMesh,self).__init__( mesh=mesh, fn=fn, colours=colours, colourMap=colourMap, colourBar=colourBar, valueRange=valueRange, logScale=logScale, discrete=discrete, *args, **kwargs) def _add_to_stg_dict(self,componentDictionary): # lets build up component dictionary # append random string to provided name to ensure unique component names # call parents method super(SurfaceOnMesh,self)._add_to_stg_dict(componentDictionary) componentDictionary[]["drawSides"] = self._drawSides componentDictionary[][ "Mesh"] = def _setup(self): _libUnderworld.gLucifer._lucMeshCrossSection_SetFn( self._cself, self._fn._fncself ) def __del__(self): super(SurfaceOnMesh,self).__del__()
[docs]class Surface(CrossSection): """ This drawing object class draws a surface using the provided scalar field. See parent class for further parameter details. Also see property docstrings. Parameters --------- mesh : underworld.mesh.FeMesh Mesh over which cross section is rendered. fn : underworld.function.Function Function used to determine values to render. drawSides : str Sides (x,y,z,X,Y,Z) for which the surface should be drawn. For example, "xyzXYZ" would render the provided function across all surfaces of the domain in 3D. In 2D, this object always renders across the entire domain. """ # let's just build both objects because we aint sure yet which one we want to use yet _objectsDict = { "_dr" : "lucScalarField" } def __init__(self, mesh, fn, drawSides="xyzXYZ", colours=None, colourMap=None, colourBar=True, valueRange=None, logScale=False, discrete=False, *args, **kwargs): if not isinstance(drawSides,str): raise ValueError("'drawSides' parameter must be of python type 'str'") self._drawSides = drawSides #Default properties = {"cullface" : True} # TODO: disable lighting if 2D (how to get dims?)["lit"] = False # build parent super(Surface,self).__init__( mesh=mesh, fn=fn, colours=colours, colourMap=colourMap, colourBar=colourBar, valueRange=valueRange, logScale=logScale, discrete=discrete, *args, **kwargs) def _add_to_stg_dict(self,componentDictionary): # lets build up component dictionary # append random string to provided name to ensure unique component names # call parents method super(Surface,self)._add_to_stg_dict(componentDictionary) componentDictionary[]["drawSides"] = self._drawSides componentDictionary[][ "Mesh"] = def _setup(self): _libUnderworld.gLucifer._lucCrossSection_SetFn( self._cself, self._fn._fncself ) def __del__(self): super(Surface,self).__del__()
[docs]class Points(Drawing): """ This drawing object class draws a swarm of points. See parent class for further parameter details. Also see property docstrings. Parameters --------- swarm : underworld.swarm.Swarm Swarm which provides locations for point rendering. fn_colour : underworld.function.Function Function used to determine colour to render particle. This function should return float/double values. fn_mask : underworld.function.Function Function used to determine if a particle should be rendered. This function should return bool values. fn_size : underworld.function.Function Function used to determine size to render particle. This function should return float/double values. """ _objectsDict = { "_dr": "lucSwarmViewer" } def __init__(self, swarm, fn_colour=None, fn_mask=None, fn_size=None, colourVariable=None, colours=None, colourMap=None, colourBar=True, valueRange=None, logScale=False, discrete=False, *args, **kwargs): if not isinstance(swarm,_swarmMod.Swarm): raise TypeError("'swarm' object passed in must be of type 'Swarm'") self._swarm = swarm self._fn_colour = None if fn_colour != None: self._fn_colour = _underworld.function.Function.convert(fn_colour) self._fn_mask = None if fn_mask != None: self._fn_mask = _underworld.function.Function.convert(fn_mask) self._fn_size = None if fn_size != None: self._fn_size = _underworld.function.Function.convert(fn_size) # build parent super(Points,self).__init__( colours=colours, colourMap=colourMap, colourBar=colourBar, valueRange=valueRange, logScale=logScale, discrete=discrete, *args, **kwargs) def _add_to_stg_dict(self,componentDictionary): # lets build up component dictionary super(Points,self)._add_to_stg_dict(componentDictionary) componentDictionary[ ][ "Swarm" ] = def _setup(self): fnc_ptr = None if self._fn_colour: fnc_ptr = self._fn_colour._fncself fnm_ptr = None if self._fn_mask: fnm_ptr = self._fn_mask._fncself fns_ptr = None if self._fn_size: fns_ptr = self._fn_size._fncself _libUnderworld.gLucifer._lucSwarmViewer_SetFn( self._cself, fnc_ptr, fnm_ptr, fns_ptr, None )
class _GridSampler3D(CrossSection): """ This drawing object class samples a regular grid in 3D. resolutionI : unsigned Number of samples in the I direction. resolutionJ : unsigned Number of samples in the J direction. resolutionK : unsigned Number of samples in the K direction. """ _objectsDict = { "_dr": None } #Abstract class, Set by child def __init__(self, resolutionI=16, resolutionJ=16, resolutionK=16, *args, **kwargs): if resolutionI: if not isinstance(resolutionI,int): raise TypeError("'resolutionI' object passed in must be of python type 'int'") if resolutionJ: if not isinstance(resolutionJ,int): raise TypeError("'resolutionJ' object passed in must be of python type 'int'") if resolutionK: if not isinstance(resolutionK,int): raise TypeError("'resolutionK' object passed in must be of python type 'int'") self._resolutionI = resolutionI self._resolutionJ = resolutionJ self._resolutionK = resolutionK # build parent super(_GridSampler3D,self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _add_to_stg_dict(self,componentDictionary): # lets build up component dictionary # call parents method super(_GridSampler3D,self)._add_to_stg_dict(componentDictionary) componentDictionary[].update( { "resolutionX": self._resolutionI, "resolutionY": self._resolutionJ, "resolutionZ": self._resolutionK } )
[docs]class VectorArrows(_GridSampler3D): """ This drawing object class draws vector arrows corresponding to the provided vector field. See parent class for further parameter details. Also see property docstrings. Parameters --------- mesh : underworld.mesh.FeMesh Mesh over which vector arrows are rendered. fn : underworld.function.Function Function used to determine vectors to render. Function should return a vector of floats/doubles of appropriate dimensionality. arrowHead : float The size of the head of the arrow compared with the arrow length. Must be in [0.,1.]. scaling : float Scaling for entire arrow. glyphs : int Type of glyph to render for vector arrow. 0: Line, 1 or more: 3d arrow, higher number => better quality. resolutionI : unsigned Number of samples in the I direction. resolutionJ : unsigned Number of samples in the J direction. resolutionK : unsigned Number of samples in the K direction. """ _objectsDict = { "_dr": "lucVectorArrows" } def __init__(self, mesh, fn, resolutionI=16, resolutionJ=16, resolutionK=16, *args, **kwargs): # build parent super(VectorArrows,self).__init__( mesh=mesh, fn=fn, resolutionI=resolutionI, resolutionJ=resolutionJ, resolutionK=resolutionK, colours=None, colourMap=None, colourBar=False, *args, **kwargs) def _add_to_stg_dict(self,componentDictionary): # lets build up component dictionary # call parents method super(VectorArrows,self)._add_to_stg_dict(componentDictionary) componentDictionary[].update( {} )
[docs]class Volume(_GridSampler3D): """ This drawing object class draws a volume using the provided scalar field. See parent class for further parameter details. Also see property docstrings. Parameters --------- mesh : underworld.mesh.FeMesh Mesh over which object is rendered. fn : underworld.function.Function Function used to determine colour values. Function should return a vector of floats/doubles of appropriate dimensionality. resolutionI : unsigned Number of samples in the I direction. resolutionJ : unsigned Number of samples in the J direction. resolutionK : unsigned Number of samples in the K direction. """ _objectsDict = { "_dr": "lucFieldSampler" } def __init__(self, mesh, fn, resolutionI=64, resolutionJ=64, resolutionK=64, colours=None, colourMap=None, colourBar=True, valueRange=None, logScale=False, discrete=False, *args, **kwargs): # build parent if mesh.dim == 2: raise ValueError("Volume rendered requires a three dimensional mesh.") super(Volume,self).__init__( mesh=mesh, fn=fn, resolutionI=resolutionI, resolutionJ=resolutionJ, resolutionK=resolutionK, colours=colours, colourMap=colourMap, colourBar=colourBar, valueRange=valueRange, logScale=logScale, discrete=discrete, *args, **kwargs) def _add_to_stg_dict(self,componentDictionary): # lets build up component dictionary # call parents method super(Volume,self)._add_to_stg_dict(componentDictionary)
[docs]class Mesh(Drawing): """ This drawing object class draws a mesh. See parent class for further parameter details. Also see property docstrings. Parameters ---------- mesh : underworld.mesh.FeMesh Mesh to render. nodeNumbers : bool Bool to determine whether global node numbers should be rendered. segmentsPerEdge : unsigned Number of segments to render per cell/element edge. For higher order mesh, more segments are useful to render mesh curvature correctly. """ _objectsDict = { "_dr": "lucMeshViewer" } def __init__( self, mesh, nodeNumbers=False, segmentsPerEdge=1, *args, **kwargs ): if not isinstance(mesh,_uwmesh.FeMesh): raise TypeError("'mesh' object passed in must be of type 'FeMesh'") self._mesh = mesh if not isinstance(nodeNumbers,bool): raise TypeError("'nodeNumbers' flag must be of type 'bool'") self._nodeNumbers = nodeNumbers if not isinstance(segmentsPerEdge,int) or segmentsPerEdge < 1: raise TypeError("'segmentsPerEdge' must be a positive 'int'") self._segmentsPerEdge = segmentsPerEdge #Default properties = {"linesmooth" : False, "lit" : False, "font" : "small", "fontscale" : 0.5, "pointsize" : 5 if self._nodeNumbers else 1, "pointtype" : 2 if self._nodeNumbers else 4} # build parent super(Mesh,self).__init__( colours=None, colourMap=None, colourBar=False, *args, **kwargs ) def _add_to_stg_dict(self,componentDictionary): # lets build up component dictionary # append random string to provided name to ensure unique component names # call parents method super(Mesh,self)._add_to_stg_dict(componentDictionary) componentDictionary[][ "Mesh"] = componentDictionary[]["nodeNumbers"] = self._nodeNumbers componentDictionary[][ "segments"] = self._segmentsPerEdge