Source code for

##                                                                                   ##
##  This file forms part of the Underworld geophysics modelling application.         ##
##                                                                                   ##
##  For full license and copyright information, please refer to the file  ##
##  located at the project root, or contact the authors.                             ##
##                                                                                   ##
import underworld as uw
import underworld._stgermain as _stgermain
from . import sle
import underworld.libUnderworld as libUnderworld
from mpi4py import MPI

[docs]class AdvectionDiffusion(object): """ This class provides functionality for a discrete representation of an advection-diffusion equation. .. math:: \\frac{\\partial\\phi}{\\partial t} + {\\bf u } \\cdot \\nabla \\phi= \\nabla { ( k \\nabla \\phi ) } + H Two methods are available to integrate the scalar :math:`\phi` through time: 1. SUPG - The Streamline Upwind Petrov Galerkin method. [1]_ 2. SLCN - The Semi-Lagrangian Crank-Nicholson method. [2]_ SLCN is the preferred method for Q1 elements on a orthogonal cartesian meshes. It is quicker, less diffusive and unconditionally stable. SUPG, the legacy method, is more robust for arbitrarily deformed meshes. Both methods are considered EXPERIMENTAL for non Q1 element meshes. Parameters ---------- phiField : underworld.mesh.MeshVariable The concentration field, typically the temperature field velocityField : underworld.mesh.MeshVariable The velocity field. fn_diffusivity : underworld.function.Function A function that defines the diffusivity within the domain. fn_sourceTerm : underworld.function.Function A function that defines the heating within the domain. Optional. conditions : underworld.conditions.SystemCondition Numerical conditions to impose on the system. This should be supplied as the condition itself, or a list object containing the conditions. phiDotField : underworld.mesh.MeshVariable Only used for SUPG. A MeshVariable that defines the initial time derivative of the phiField. Typically 0 at the beginning of a model, e.g.[:]=0 When using a phiField loaded from disk one should also load the phiDotField to ensure the solving method has the time derivative information for a smooth restart. No Dirichlet conditions are required for this field as the phiField degrees of freedom map exactly to this field's Dirichlet conditions, the value of which ought to be 0 for constant values of phi. gauss_swarm : underworld.swarm.GaussIntegrationSwarm If provided this gauss_swarm will be used for (gaussian) numerical integration rather than a default gauss integration swarm that is automatically generated and dependent on the element order of the mesh. allow_non_q1 : Bool (default False) Allow the integration to perform over a non Q1 element mesh. (Under Q2 elements instabilities have been observed as the implementation is only for Q1 elements) Notes ----- Constructor must be called by collectively all processes. .. [1] Brooks, A. N. and Hughes, T. J. R., "Streamline Upwind/Petrov-Galerkin Formulations for Convection Dominated Flows with Particular Emphasis on the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations", Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng., Aug 1990, 199-259. .. [2] Spiegelman, M. and Katz, R.F., "A semi-Lagrangian Crank-Nicolson algorithm for the numerical solution of advection-diffusion problems", Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 7(4), 2006. """ def __init__(self, phiField=None, velocityField=None, fn_diffusivity=None, fn_sourceTerm=None, method="SUPG", conditions=[], phiDotField=None, allow_non_q1=False, gauss_swarm=None, **kwargs): if not isinstance(method, str) or method.upper() not in ("SUPG","SLCN"): raise ValueError("'method' parameter must be 'SUPG' or 'SLCN'") self.method = method.upper() if self.method == "SLCN" and phiDotField: import warnings warnings.warn("'phiDotField' doesn't influence the 'SLCN' method."+ " It's only required for the 'SUPG' method") if self.method == "SUPG" and not phiDotField: raise ValueError("'phiDotField' is required for the 'SUPG' method") # check phiField, velocity, diff, source, conditions if not isinstance( phiField, uw.mesh.MeshVariable): raise TypeError( "Provided 'phiField' must be of 'MeshVariable' class." ) if[1] != 1: raise TypeError( "Provided 'phiField' must be a scalar" ) if[1] != phiField.mesh.dim: raise TypeError( "Provided 'velocityField' must be the same dimensionality as the phiField's mesh" ) if phiField.mesh.elementType != 'Q1': if allow_non_q1 == False: raise ValueError("The 'phiField' is discretised on a {} element mesh. The current 'uw.system.AdvectionDiffusion' " "implementation is only stable for a phiField discretised with Q1 elements. " "For non Q1 elements this implementation is EXPERIMENTAL, instability and implementation problems" "have been observed." "Either create a Q1 mesh for the 'phiField' or, if you know what you're doing, override " "this error with the argument 'allow_non_q1=True' in the constructor.".format(phiField.mesh.elementType)) if self.method == "SUPG": self.system = _SUPG_AdvectionDiffusion( phiField, phiDotField, velocityField, fn_diffusivity, fn_sourceTerm, conditions, gauss_swarm = gauss_swarm) elif self.method == "SLCN": self.system = _SLCN_AdvectionDiffusion( phiField, velocityField, fn_diffusivity, fn_sourceTerm, conditions, gauss_swarm = gauss_swarm) @property def velocityField(self): return self.system.velocityField @property def phiField(self): return self.system.phiField
[docs] def integrate(self, dt=0.0, **kwargs): """ Integrates the advection diffusion system through time, dt Must be called collectively by all processes. Parameters ---------- dt : float The timestep interval to use """ self.system.integrate(dt, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_max_dt(self): """ Returns a timestep size for the current system. Returns ------- float The timestep size. """ return self.system.get_max_dt()
class _SLCN_AdvectionDiffusion(object): def __init__(self, phiField, velocityField, fn_diffusivity, fn_sourceTerm=None, conditions=[], gauss_swarm=None): """Implements the Spiegelman / Katz Semi-lagrangian Advection / Crank Nicholson Diffusion algorithm""" mesh = velocityField.mesh # unknown field and velocity field self.phiField = phiField self.vField = velocityField # uw.functions for diffusivity and a source term self.fn_diffusivity = uw.function.Function.convert(fn_diffusivity) self.fn_sourceTerm = uw.function.Function.convert(fn_sourceTerm) self.fn_dt = uw.function.misc.constant(1.0) # dummy value # build a grid field, phiStar, for the information at departure points self._phiStar = phiField.copy() # placeholder for swarm-based _mesh_interpolator_stripy self._mswarm = None self._mswarm_advector = None # a data storage for the local node indices for cubic interpolation # stencil. self._stencilField = mesh.add_variable(nodeDofCount=3) # check input 'conditions' list is valid if not isinstance(conditions, (list, tuple)): conditionslist = [] conditionslist.append(conditions) conditions = conditionslist nbc = None # storage for neumann conditions for cond in conditions: if not isinstance( cond, uw.conditions.SystemCondition ): raise TypeError( "Provided 'conditions' must be a list 'SystemCondition' objects." ) # check type of condition if type(cond) == uw.conditions.NeumannCondition: if nbc != None: # check only one nbc condition is given in 'conditions' list RuntimeError( "Provided 'conditions' can only accept one NeumannConditions condition object.") nbc = cond elif type(cond) == uw.conditions.DirichletCondition: if cond.variable == self.phiField: libUnderworld.StgFEM.FeVariable_SetBC( self.phiField._cself, cond._cself ) else: raise RuntimeError("Input condition type not recognised.") self._conditions = conditions # setup the gauss integration swarm if gauss_swarm != None: if not isinstance(gauss_swarm,uw.swarm.GaussIntegrationSwarm): raise RuntimeError( "Provided 'gauss_swarm' must be a GaussIntegrationSwarm object" ) intSwarm = gauss_swarm else: intSwarm = uw.swarm.GaussIntegrationSwarm(mesh, particleCount=5) # build matrices and vectors phi_eqnums = solv = self._solv =, phi_eqnums) f = self._f =, phi_eqnums) K = self._K =, solv, f) fn_dt = self.fn_dt # take sourceTerm into account - implementation doesn't track from departure points so is less accurate in time if fn_sourceTerm is not None: rhs_term = self._phiStar + fn_dt * self.fn_sourceTerm else: rhs_term = self._phiStar self._mv_term = integrationSwarm = intSwarm, assembledObject = f, mesh = mesh, fn = 1. * rhs_term ) self._kv_term = integrationSwarm = intSwarm, assembledObject = f, mesh = mesh, fn = -0.5 * fn_dt * self.fn_diffusivity * self._phiStar.fn_gradient ) if nbc is not None: # -VE flux because of the FEM discretisation method of the initial equation negativeCond = uw.conditions.NeumannCondition( fn_flux = fn_dt * nbc.fn_flux, variable = nbc.variable, indexSetsPerDof = nbc.indexSetsPerDof ) # NOTE many NeumannConditions can be used but the _sufaceFluxTerm only records the last self._surfaceFluxTerm = sle.VectorSurfaceAssemblyTerm_NA__Fn__ni( assembledObject = f, surfaceGaussPoints = 2, nbc = negativeCond ) self._k_term = assembledObject = K, integrationSwarm = intSwarm, fn = 0.5 * fn_dt * self.fn_diffusivity) self._m_term = assembledObject = K, integrationSwarm = intSwarm, fn = 1., mesh = mesh) # functions used to calculate the timestep, see function get_max_dt() self._maxVsq = uw.function.view.min_max(velocityField, fn_norm =, velocityField) ) self._maxDiff = uw.function.view.min_max(self.fn_diffusivity) # Note that the c level minSep on the mesh is for the local domain sepFn = uw.function.misc.constant( velocityField.mesh._cself.minSep) minmaxSep = uw.function.view.min_max(sepFn) minmaxSep.evaluate(mesh) self._minDx = minmaxSep.min_global() # the required for the solve self.sle = uw.utils.SolveLinearSystem(AMat=K, bVec=f, xVec=solv) # Check available interpolation packages self._mesh_interpolator_stripy = None self._mesh_interpolator_rbf = None self._cKDTree = None try: import stripy self._have_stripy = True except ImportError: self._have_stripy = False try: from scipy.interpolate import Rbf self._have_rbf = True except ImportError: self._have_rbf = False def _integrate_original_version(self, dt, solve=True): # use the given timestep self.fn_dt.value = dt # apply conditions uw.libUnderworld.StgFEM.SolutionVector_LoadCurrentFeVariableValuesOntoVector( self._solv._cself ) # update T* - temperature at departure points uw.libUnderworld.StgFEM.SemiLagrangianIntegrator_SolveNew( self.phiField._cself, dt, self.vField._cself, self._phiStar._cself, self._stencilField ) # solve T if solve: self.sle.solve() return def _phiStar_stripy_old(self, dt): import stripy import numpy as np from scipy.spatial import cKDTree mesh = self.phiField.mesh phiStar = mesh.add_variable(dataType="double", nodeDofCount=1) phiNorm = mesh.add_variable(dataType="double", nodeDofCount=1) if self._mesh_interpolator_stripy == None: self._mesh_interpolator_stripy = stripy.Triangulation([:, 0],[:, 1], permute=True) mesh_interpolator = self._mesh_interpolator_stripy # The swarm info can also be cached ! mswarm = uw.swarm.Swarm(mesh, particleEscape=True) mswarm_map = mswarm.add_variable(dataType="int", count=1) mswarm_home_pts = mswarm.add_variable(dataType="double", count=mesh.dim) mcoords = # layout = uw.swarm.layouts.PerCellGaussLayout(mswarm, gaussPointCount=5) # mswarm.populate_using_layout(layout) local_nId = -1 * np.ones(mesh.nodesGlobal, dtype=int) for i, gId in enumerate(mesh.data_nodegId): local_nId[gId] = i element_centroids =[local_nId[mesh.data_elementNodes]].mean(axis=1) element_centroids2 = element_centroids.reshape(tuple((*element_centroids.shape, 1))) element_coords =[local_nId[mesh.data_elementNodes]].transpose(0, 2, 1) swarm_coords = (element_coords - element_centroids2) * 0.8 + element_centroids2 swarm_coords2 = swarm_coords.transpose(0, 2, 1).reshape(-1, 2) localID = mswarm.add_particles_with_coordinates(swarm_coords2) accepted = np.where(localID != -1)[:] = mesh.data_elementNodes.reshape(-1, 1)[accepted][:] =[accepted] #surface = mesh.specialSets["surface_VertexSet"] # mcoords[surface,:] *= 0.9999 # localID = mswarm.add_particles_with_coordinates(mcoords) # not_accepted = np.where(localID == -1) print("A{}: mswarm has {} particles ({} local)".format(uw.mpi.rank, mswarm.particleGlobalCount, mswarm.particleLocalCount)) morig_coords = mswarm.add_variable("double", mesh.dim)[...] =[...] mswarm_Tstar = mswarm.add_variable(dataType="float", count=1) madvector =, swarm=mswarm) madvector.integrate(-dt, update_owners=True) # madvector.integrate(-dt*0.5, update_owners=True) print("B{}: mswarm has {} particles ({} local)".format(uw.mpi.rank, mswarm.particleGlobalCount, mswarm.particleLocalCount)) #[:,0], err = mesh_interpolator.interpolate_cubic([:,0], #[:,1], # #[:] = self.phiField.evaluate(mswarm) ##[:,0] =[:,0] # Restore with mswarm.deform_swarm():[:] =[:][:] = 0.0[:] = 0.0 # Surely this can be optimised (maybe the kdTree (cached) would be quicker / less storage ?) for i, gnode in enumerate([:, 0]): node = np.where(mesh.data_nodegId == gnode)[0][node] +=[i][node] += 1.0 if uw.mpi.size > 1: mswarm.shadow_particles_fetch() for i, gnode in enumerate(mswarm_map.data_shadow[:, 0]): node = np.where(mesh.data_nodegId == gnode)[0][node] += mswarm_Tstar.data_shadow[i, 0][node] += 1.0[np.where( > 0.0)] /=[np.where( > 0.0)] return phiStar def _build_phiStar_swarm(self, ratio=0.9): import numpy as np mesh = self.phiField.mesh if self._mswarm == None: mswarm = uw.swarm.Swarm(mesh, particleEscape=True) mswarm_map = mswarm.add_variable(dataType="int", count=1) mswarm_home_pts = mswarm.add_variable(dataType="double", count=mesh.dim) mswarm_phiStar = mswarm.add_variable(dataType="float", count=1) local_nId = -1 * np.ones(mesh.nodesGlobal, dtype=int) for i, gId in enumerate(mesh.data_nodegId): local_nId[gId] = i # print("{} - building mswarm".format(uw.mpi.rank), flush=True ) layout = uw.swarm.layouts.PerCellRandomLayout(mswarm, particlesPerCell=mesh.data_elementNodes[0].shape[0]) mswarm.populate_using_layout(layout) # element_centroids =[local_nId[mesh.data_elementNodes]].mean(axis=1) # element_centroids2 = element_centroids.reshape(tuple((*element_centroids.shape, 1))) # element_coords =[local_nId[mesh.data_elementNodes]].transpose(0,2,1) # swarm_coords = (element_coords - element_centroids2) * ratio + element_centroids2 # swarm_coords2 = swarm_coords.transpose(0,2,1).reshape(-1, mesh.dim) # This is not optimised for the element loop # But there eliminates the initial search issues # associated with adding points to an empty swarm. ## print("{} - adding {} particles".format(uw.mpi.rank, swarm_coords2.shape[0]), flush=True ) with mswarm.deform_swarm(update_owners=True): for el in range(0, mesh.elementsLocal): element_centroid =[local_nId[mesh.data_elementNodes[el]]].mean(axis=0) node_rel_coords =[local_nId[mesh.data_elementNodes[el]]] - element_centroid particle_coords = node_rel_coords * ratio + element_centroid particles = np.where( == el)[0][particles] = particle_coords[particles, 0] = mesh.data_elementNodes[el] # # localID = mswarm.add_particles_with_coordinates(swarm_coords2) # accepted = np.where(localID != -1) #[:] = mesh.data_elementNodes.reshape(-1,1)[accepted] #[:] = swarm_coords2[accepted][:] =[:] # if np.any(localID == -1): # print("{} - particles missing: {}".format(uw.mpi.rank, np.where(localID == -1).shape[0]), flush=True ) # Make these variables accessible self._mswarm = mswarm self._mswarm_global_particles = mswarm.particleGlobalCount self._mswarm_map = mswarm_map self._mswarm_home_pts = mswarm_home_pts self._mswarm_phiStar = mswarm_phiStar if self._mswarm_advector == None: madvector =, swarm=self._mswarm) self._mswarm_advector = madvector return def _reset_phiStar_swarm(self): if self._mswarm == None or self._mswarm_advector == None: self._build_phiStar_swarm() else: # Original point locations are carried by the particles # and therefore it can snap back import warnings with self._mswarm.deform_swarm():[:] =[:] if self._mswarm.particleGlobalCount != self._mswarm_global_particles: warnings.warn("Some particles were lost during advection step - smaller dt may be needed") return def _phiStar_stripy(self, dt, smooth=0.9): import stripy import numpy as np from scipy.spatial import cKDTree import time if self._mswarm == None: self._build_phiStar_swarm(ratio=smooth) mesh = self.phiField.mesh phiStar = mesh.add_variable(dataType="double", nodeDofCount=1) phiNorm = mesh.add_variable(dataType="double", nodeDofCount=1) mswarm_phiStar = self._mswarm_phiStar mswarm = self._mswarm if self._mesh_interpolator_stripy == None: self._mesh_interpolator_stripy = stripy.Triangulation([:, 0],[:, 1], permute=True) mesh_interpolator = self._mesh_interpolator_stripy # Consider doing this in 2 half steps ... self._mswarm_advector.integrate(-dt, update_owners=True)[:, 0], err = mesh_interpolator.interpolate_cubic([:, 0],[:, 1], # Restore self._reset_phiStar_swarm()[:] = 0.0[:] = 0.0 # Surely this can be optimised (maybe the kdTree (cached) would be quicker / less storage ?) for i, gnode in enumerate([:, 0]): node = np.where(mesh.data_nodegId == gnode)[0][node] +=[i][node] += 1.0 if uw.mpi.size > 1: mswarm.shadow_particles_fetch() for i, gnode in enumerate(self._mswarm_map.data_shadow[:, 0]): node = np.where(mesh.data_nodegId == gnode)[0][node] += mswarm_phiStar.data_shadow[i, 0][node] += 1.0[np.where( > 0.0)] /=[np.where( > 0.0)] self._phiStar_dirichlet_conditions(phiStar) return phiStar def _phiStar_dirichlet_conditions(self, phiStar): for cond in self._conditions: if type(cond) == uw.conditions.DirichletCondition: if cond.variable == self.phiField: indexSet = cond.indexSetsPerDof[0][indexSet] =[indexSet] return def _phiStar_rbf(self, dt, smooth=0.9): import numpy as np from scipy.spatial import cKDTree from scipy.interpolate import Rbf import time if self._mswarm == None: self._build_phiStar_swarm(ratio=smooth) walltime = time.process_time() mesh = self.phiField.mesh phiStar = mesh.add_variable(dataType="double", nodeDofCount=1) phiNorm = mesh.add_variable(dataType="double", nodeDofCount=1) mswarm_phiStar = self._mswarm_phiStar mswarm = self._mswarm # ## This can't be cached # if mesh.dim == 2: # mesh_interpolator = Rbf([:,0],[:,1],, smooth=0.0, function='thin_plate' ) # else: # mesh_interpolator = Rbf([:,0],[:,1],[:,2],, smooth=0.0, function='thin_plate' ) # This really only needs to be built if the mesh changes mesh_tree = cKDTree( ) self._mswarm_advector.integrate(-dt, update_owners=True) # if mesh.dim == 2: #[:,0] = mesh_interpolator([:,0], #[:,1]) # else: #[:,0] = mesh_interpolator([:,0], #[:,1], #[:,2] ) # # EBE version - global RBF is impractical in nearly every case # We need to know the element size and mesh dimension to do this interpolation # correctly ... first, the 3D, Q1 version ... if "Q1" in mesh.elementType: stencil_size = 6**mesh.dim elif "Q2" in mesh.elementType: stencil_size = 7**mesh.dim else: # No idea stencil_size = 7**mesh.dim # I think this can be eliminated at some stage ... local_nId = -1 * np.ones(mesh.nodesGlobal, dtype=int) for i, gId in enumerate(mesh.data_nodegId): local_nId[gId] = i for el in range(0, mesh.elementsLocal): # if el%1000 == 0: # print("{}: Element: {}".format(uw.mpi.rank, el), flush=True) element_centroid =[local_nId[mesh.data_elementNodes[el]]].mean(axis=0) d, local_nodes = mesh_tree.query(element_centroid, k=stencil_size) particles = np.where( == el)[0] if mesh.dim == 2: mesh_interpolator = Rbf([local_nodes, 0],[local_nodes, 1],[local_nodes], smooth=0.0, function='thin_plate' ) locations_x, locations_y =[particles].T[particles, 0] = mesh_interpolator(locations_x, locations_y) else: mesh_interpolator = Rbf([local_nodes, 0],[local_nodes, 1],[local_nodes, 2],[local_nodes], smooth=0.0, function='thin_plate' ) locations_x, locations_y, locations_z =[particles].T[particles, 0] = mesh_interpolator(locations_x, locations_y, locations_z) # Restore self._reset_phiStar_swarm()[:] = 0.0[:] = 0.0 # Surely this can be optimised (maybe the kdTree (cached) would be quicker / less storage ?) for i, gnode in enumerate([:, 0]): node = np.where(mesh.data_nodegId == gnode)[0][node] +=[i][node] += 1.0 if uw.mpi.size > 1: mswarm.shadow_particles_fetch() for i, gnode in enumerate(self._mswarm_map.data_shadow[:, 0]): node = np.where(mesh.data_nodegId == gnode)[0][node] += mswarm_phiStar.data_shadow[i, 0][node] += 1.0[np.where( > 0.0)] /=[np.where( > 0.0)] self._phiStar_dirichlet_conditions(phiStar) # # print("{} - RBF interpolation ... {}s".format(uw.mpi.rank, time.process_time()-walltime), flush=True ) # return phiStar def _phiStar_fe(self, dt, smooth=0.9): import numpy as np import time from scipy.spatial import cKDTree if self._mswarm == None: self._build_phiStar_swarm(ratio=smooth) mesh = self.phiField.mesh phiStar = mesh.add_variable(dataType="double", nodeDofCount=1) phiNorm = mesh.add_variable(dataType="double", nodeDofCount=1) mswarm_phiStar = self._mswarm_phiStar mswarm = self._mswarm self._mswarm_advector.integrate(-dt, update_owners=True) # FE variable based interpolator[:] = self.phiField.evaluate(mswarm) # Restore walltime = time.process_time() self._reset_phiStar_swarm()[:] = 0.0[:] = 0.0 # Surely this can be optimised (maybe the kdTree (cached) would be quicker / less storage ?) for i, gnode in enumerate([:, 0]): node = np.where(mesh.data_nodegId == gnode)[0][node] +=[i][node] += 1.0 if uw.mpi.size > 1: mswarm.shadow_particles_fetch() for i, gnode in enumerate(self._mswarm_map.data_shadow[:, 0]): node = np.where(mesh.data_nodegId == gnode)[0][node] += mswarm_phiStar.data_shadow[i, 0][node] += 1.0[np.where( > 0.0)] /=[np.where( > 0.0)] self._phiStar_dirichlet_conditions(phiStar) return phiStar def integrate(self, dt=0.0, phiStar=None, interpolator="", solve=True, phiStarCopy=None, smooth=0.9, substeps=1): """SLCN integration in time. In a regular mesh, the update of the field can be calculated directly, but in an irregular mesh, it is necessary to supply phiStar (the T at launch points)""" import warnings dts = dt / float(substeps) for substep in range(0, substeps): # use the given timestep self.fn_dt.value = dts # apply conditions uw.libUnderworld.StgFEM.SolutionVector_LoadCurrentFeVariableValuesOntoVector( self._solv._cself ) # update T* - temperature at departure points if "stripy" in interpolator.lower(): if self._have_stripy: if self.phiField.mesh.dim == 2: phiStar = self._phiStar_stripy(dts, smooth=smooth) else: warnings.warn("stripy is only suitable for 2D meshes", category=RuntimeWarning) else: warnings.warn("stripy is not installed", category=RuntimeWarning) if "rbf" in interpolator.lower(): if self._have_rbf: phiStar = self._phiStar_rbf(dts, smooth=smooth) else: warnings.warn("scipy / rbf is not installed", category=RuntimeWarning) if "fe" in interpolator.lower(): phiStar = self._phiStar_fe(dts, smooth=smooth) warnings.warn("fe is a low-order method for debugging use only", category=RuntimeWarning) if phiStar is None: if not hasattr(self, "_built_stencil"): uw.libUnderworld.StgFEM.SemiLagrangianIntegrator_BuildStaticStencils(self._stencilField._cself) self._built_stencil = True # Extremely unreliable !! uw.libUnderworld.StgFEM.SemiLagrangianIntegrator_SolveNew( self.phiField._cself, dt, self.vField._cself, self._phiStar._cself, self._stencilField._cself ) else:[:] =[:] if phiStarCopy is not None:[:] =[:] # Solve the update problem if solve: self.sle.solve() self.fn_dt.value = dt return def launchPts(self, dt=0.0): """SLCN integration in time. In a regular mesh, the update of the field can be calculated directly, but in an irregular mesh, it is necessary to supply phiStar (the T at launch points)""" # use the given timestep self.fn_dt.value = dt # apply conditions uw.libUnderworld.StgFEM.SolutionVector_LoadCurrentFeVariableValuesOntoVector( self._solv._cself ) # Find departure points # New FeVariable depPointsField = self.vField.copy() uw.libUnderworld.StgFEM.SemiLagrangianIntegrator_FindLaunchPts( dt, self.vField._cself, depPointsField._cself) return depPointsField def get_max_dt(self): """ Returns a timestep size for the current system. Returns ------- float The timestep size. """ mesh = self.phiField.mesh vField = self.vField # Note: this is important (the velocity one, especially): self._maxVsq.reset() self._maxDiff.reset() # evaluate the global maximum velocity ignore = self._maxVsq.evaluate(mesh) vmax = uw._np.sqrt(self._maxVsq.max_global()) # evaluate the global maximum diffusivity if type(self.fn_diffusivity) == uw.swarm.SwarmVariable: maxDiffusion = self._maxDiff.evaluate(self.fn_diffusivity.swarm) else: maxDiffusion = self._maxDiff.evaluate(self.phiField.mesh) maxDiffusion = self._maxDiff.max_global() # the minimum separation of the mesh (globally) dx = self._minDx #dx = self.vField.mesh._typicalDx # from LM implementation # Note, if dx is not constant, these tests are potentially # overly pessimistic diff_dt = dx * dx / maxDiffusion adv_dt = dx / vmax return min(adv_dt, diff_dt) class _SUPG_AdvectionDiffusion(_stgermain.StgCompoundComponent): """ This class provides functionality for a discrete representation of an advection-diffusion equation. The class uses the Streamline Upwind Petrov Galerkin SUPG method to integrate through time. .. math:: \\frac{\\partial\\phi}{\\partial t} + {\\bf u } \\cdot \\nabla \\phi= \\nabla { ( k \\nabla \\phi ) } + H Parameters ---------- phiField : underworld.mesh.MeshVariable The concentration field, typically the temperature field phiDotField : underworld.mesh.MeshVariable A MeshVariable that defines the initial time derivative of the phiField. Typically 0 at the beginning of a model, e.g.[:]=0 When using a phiField loaded from disk one should also load the phiDotField to ensure the solving method has the time derivative information for a smooth restart. No dirichlet conditions are required for this field as the phiField degrees of freedom map exactly to this field's dirichlet conditions, the value of which ought to be 0 for constant values of phi. velocityField : underworld.mesh.MeshVariable The velocity field. fn_diffusivity : underworld.function.Function A function that defines the diffusivity within the domain. fn_sourceTerm : underworld.function.Function A function that defines the heating within the domain. Optional. gauss_swarm : underworld.swarm.GaussIntegrationSwarm If provided this gauss_swarm will be used for (gaussian) numerical integration rather than a default gauss integration swarm that is automatically generated and dependent on the element type for the mesh. NB: if a voronoi_swarm is defined it OVERRIDES this gauss_swarm as the preferred integration swarm (quadrature method). conditions : underworld.conditions.SystemCondition Numerical conditions to impose on the system. This should be supplied as the condition itself, or a list object containing the conditions. Notes ----- Constructor must be called by collectively all processes. """ _objectsDict = { "_system": "AdvectionDiffusionSLE", "_solver": "AdvDiffMulticorrector" } _selfObjectName = "_system" def __init__(self, phiField, phiDotField, velocityField, fn_diffusivity, fn_sourceTerm=None, conditions=[], gauss_swarm=None): self._diffusivity = fn_diffusivity self._source = fn_sourceTerm if not isinstance( phiField, uw.mesh.MeshVariable): raise TypeError( "Provided 'phiField' must be of 'MeshVariable' class." ) if[1] != 1: raise TypeError( "Provided 'phiField' must be a scalar" ) self._phiField = phiField if not isinstance( phiDotField, (uw.mesh.MeshVariable, type(None))): raise TypeError( "Provided 'phiDotField' must be 'None' or of 'MeshVariable' class." ) if != raise TypeError( "Provided 'phiDotField' is not the same shape as the provided 'phiField'" ) self._phiDotField = phiDotField # check compatibility of phiField and velocityField if[1] != self._phiField.mesh.dim: raise TypeError( "Provided 'velocityField' must be the same dimensionality as the phiField's mesh" ) self._velocityField = velocityField if not isinstance(conditions, (list, tuple)): conditionslist = [] conditionslist.append(conditions) conditions = conditionslist # check input 'conditions' list is valid nbc = None for cond in conditions: if not isinstance( cond, uw.conditions.SystemCondition ): raise TypeError( "Provided 'conditions' must be a list 'SystemCondition' objects." ) # set the bcs on here if type(cond) == uw.conditions.NeumannCondition: if nbc != None: # check only one nbc condition is given in 'conditions' list RuntimeError( "Provided 'conditions' can only accept one NeumannConditions condition object.") elif type(cond) == uw.conditions.DirichletCondition: if cond.variable == self._phiField: libUnderworld.StgFEM.FeVariable_SetBC( self._phiField._cself, cond._cself ) libUnderworld.StgFEM.FeVariable_SetBC( self._phiDotField._cself, cond._cself ) else: raise RuntimeError("Input condition type not recognised.") self._conditions = conditions # setup the gauss integration swarm if gauss_swarm != None: if not isinstance(gauss_swarm,uw.swarm.GaussIntegrationSwarm): raise RuntimeError( "Provided 'gauss_swarm' must be a GaussIntegrationSwarm object" ) self._gaussSwarm = gauss_swarm else: self._gaussSwarm = uw.swarm.GaussIntegrationSwarm(self._phiField.mesh) # force removal of BCs as SUPG cannot handle leaving them in self._eqNumPhi = sle.EqNumber( phiField, removeBCs=True ) self._eqNumPhiDot = sle.EqNumber( phiDotField, removeBCs=True ) self._phiSolution = sle.SolutionVector( phiField, self._eqNumPhi ) self._phiDotSolution = sle.SolutionVector( phiDotField, self._eqNumPhiDot ) # create force vectors self._residualVector = sle.AssembledVector(phiField, self._eqNumPhi ) self._massVector = sle.AssembledVector(phiField, self._eqNumPhi ) super(_SUPG_AdvectionDiffusion, self).__init__() self._cself.phiVector = self._phiSolution._cself self._cself.phiDotVector = self._phiDotSolution._cself def _add_to_stg_dict(self, componentDictionary): # call parents method super(_SUPG_AdvectionDiffusion, self)._add_to_stg_dict(componentDictionary) componentDictionary[ ][ "SLE_Solver"] = componentDictionary[ ][ "PhiField"] = componentDictionary[ ][ "Residual"] = componentDictionary[ ][ "MassMatrix"] = componentDictionary[ ][ "PhiDotField"] = componentDictionary[ ][ "dim"] = self._phiField.mesh.dim componentDictionary[ ]["courantFactor"] = 0.50 def _setup(self): # create assembly terms here. # in particular, the residualTerm requires and tries to build _system, so if created in __init__ # this causes a conflict. self._lumpedMassTerm = sle.LumpedMassMatrixVectorTerm( integrationSwarm = self._gaussSwarm, assembledObject = self._massVector ) self._residualTerm = sle.AdvDiffResidualVectorTerm( velocityField = self._velocityField, diffusivity = self._diffusivity, sourceTerm = self._source, integrationSwarm = self._gaussSwarm, assembledObject = self._residualVector, extraInfo = ) for cond in self._conditions: if isinstance( cond, uw.conditions.NeumannCondition ): # -VE flux because of the FEM discretisation method of the initial equation negativeCond = uw.conditions.NeumannCondition( fn_flux=cond.fn_flux, variable=cond.variable, indexSetsPerDof=cond.indexSetsPerDof ) # NOTE many NeumannConditions can be used but the _sufaceFluxTerm only records the last self._surfaceFluxTerm = sle.VectorSurfaceAssemblyTerm_NA__Fn__ni( assembledObject = self._residualVector, surfaceGaussPoints = 2, nbc = negativeCond ) self._cself.advDiffResidualForceTerm = self._residualTerm._cself def integrate(self, dt, **kwargs): """ Integrates the advection diffusion system through time, dt Must be called collectively by all processes. Parameters ---------- dt : float The timestep interval to use """ self._cself.currentDt = dt libUnderworld.Underworld._AdvectionDiffusionSLE_Execute( self._cself, None ) def get_max_dt(self): """ Returns a numerically stable timestep size for the current system. Note that as a default, this method returns a value one half the size of the Courant timestep. Returns ------- float The timestep size. """ return libUnderworld.Underworld.AdvectionDiffusionSLE_CalculateDt( self._cself, None )