Source code for underworld.swarm._swarm

# ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~d~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~##
##                                                                                   ##
##  This file forms part of the Underworld geophysics modelling application.         ##
##                                                                                   ##
##  For full license and copyright information, please refer to the file  ##
##  located at the project root, or contact the authors.                             ##
##                                                                                   ##
# ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~##
import underworld._stgermain as _stgermain
import underworld.libUnderworld.libUnderworldPy.Function as _cfn
import numpy as np
from . import _swarmabstract
from . import _swarmvariable as svar
import underworld.function as function
import underworld.libUnderworld as libUnderworld
import underworld as uw
from mpi4py import MPI
import contextlib
from underworld.scaling import non_dimensionalise
from underworld.scaling import units as u
from pint.errors import UndefinedUnitError

[docs]class Swarm(_swarmabstract.SwarmAbstract, function.FunctionInput, _stgermain.Save): """ The Swarm class supports particle like data structures. Each instance of this class will store a set of unique particles. In this context, particles are data structures which store a location variable, along with any other variables the user requests. Parameters ---------- mesh : underworld.mesh.FeMesh The FeMesh the swarm is supported by. See Swarm.mesh property docstring for further information. particleEscape : bool If set to true, particles are deleted when they leave the domain. This may occur during particle advection, or when the mesh is deformed. Example ------- Create a swarm with some variables: >>> # First we need a mesh: >>> mesh = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian( elementType='Q1/dQ0', elementRes=(16,16), minCoord=(0.,0.), maxCoord=(1.,1.) ) >>> # Create empty swarm: >>> swarm = uw.swarm.Swarm(mesh) >>> # Add a variable: >>> svar = swarm.add_variable("char",1) >>> # Add another: >>> svar = swarm.add_variable("double",3) >>> # Now use a layout to fill with particles >>> swarm.particleLocalCount 0 >>> layout = uw.swarm.layouts.PerCellGaussLayout(swarm,2) >>> swarm.populate_using_layout(layout) >>> swarm.particleLocalCount 1024 >>>[0] array([ 0.0132078, 0.0132078]) >>>[0] array([0], dtype=int32) With particleEscape enabled, particles which are no longer within the mesh domain are deleted. >>> mesh = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian( elementType='Q1/dQ0', elementRes=(16,16), minCoord=(0.,0.), maxCoord=(1.,1.) ) >>> swarm = uw.swarm.Swarm(mesh, particleEscape=True) >>> swarm.particleLocalCount 0 >>> layout = uw.swarm.layouts.PerCellGaussLayout(swarm,2) >>> swarm.populate_using_layout(layout) >>> swarm.particleGlobalCount 1024 >>> with mesh.deform_mesh(): ...[:] += (0.5,0.) >>> swarm.particleGlobalCount 512 Alternatively, moving the particles: >>> mesh = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian( elementType='Q1/dQ0', elementRes=(16,16), minCoord=(0.,0.), maxCoord=(1.,1.) ) >>> swarm = uw.swarm.Swarm(mesh, particleEscape=True) >>> swarm.particleLocalCount 0 >>> layout = uw.swarm.layouts.PerCellGaussLayout(swarm,2) >>> swarm.populate_using_layout(layout) >>> swarm.particleGlobalCount 1024 >>> with swarm.deform_swarm(): ...[:] -= (0.5,0.) >>> swarm.particleGlobalCount 512 """ _objectsDict = { "_swarm": "GeneralSwarm", "_cellLayout": "ElementCellLayout", "_pMovementHandler": "ParticleMovementHandler", "_escapedRoutine": "EscapedRoutine", "_particleShadowSync": "ParticleShadowSync" } def __init__(self, mesh, particleEscape=False, **kwargs): self.particleEscape = particleEscape # escape routine will be used during swarm advection, but lets also add # it to the mesh post deform hook so that when the mesh is deformed, # any particles that are found wanting are culled accordingly. import weakref wkref = weakref.ref(self) # use weakref to avoid circular dependency here def _update_owners(): selfguy = wkref() if selfguy: # if for some reason the swarm is gone, this will be none, in which case we're done here. selfguy.update_particle_owners() mesh.add_post_deform_function( _update_owners ) # init this to -1 to signify no mapping has occurred self._checkpointMapsToState = -1 # build parent super(Swarm, self).__init__(mesh, **kwargs) def _setup(self): if self._cself.particleCoordVariable: self._particleCoordinates = svar.SwarmVariable(self, "double", self.mesh.dim, _cself=self._cself.particleCoordVariable, writeable=False) def _add_to_stg_dict(self, componentDictionary): # call parents method super(Swarm, self)._add_to_stg_dict(componentDictionary) componentDictionary[ ][ "dim"] = self._mesh.dim componentDictionary[ ][ "CellLayout"] = componentDictionary[ ][ "createGlobalId"] = False componentDictionary[ ]["ParticleCommHandlers"] = [,] componentDictionary[ ][ "EscapedRoutine"] = componentDictionary[][ "particlesToRemoveDelta" ] = 1000 componentDictionary[ ]["Mesh"] =
[docs] def add_particles_with_coordinates( self, coordinatesArray ): """ This method adds particles to the swarm using particle coordinates provided using a numpy array. Note that particles with coordinates NOT local to the current processor will be reject/ignored. Parameters ---------- coordinatesArray : numpy.ndarray The numpy array containing the coordinate of the new particles. Array is expected to take shape n*dim, where n is the number of new particles, and dim is the dimensionality of the swarm's supporting mesh. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array containing the local index of the added particles. Rejected particles are denoted with an index of -1. Example ------- >>> mesh = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian( elementType='Q1/dQ0', elementRes=(4,4), minCoord=(0.,0.), maxCoord=(1.,1.) ) >>> swarm = uw.swarm.Swarm(mesh) >>> import numpy as np >>> arr = np.zeros((5,2)) >>> arr[0] = [0.1,0.1] >>> arr[1] = [0.2,0.1] >>> arr[2] = [0.1,0.2] >>> arr[3] = [-0.1,-0.1] >>> arr[4] = [0.8,0.8] >>> swarm.add_particles_with_coordinates(arr) array([ 0, 1, 2, -1, 3], dtype=int32) >>> swarm.particleLocalCount 4 >>> array([[ 0.1, 0.1], [ 0.2, 0.1], [ 0.1, 0.2], [ 0.8, 0.8]]) """ # need to increment this as particles have been added! self._toggle_state() if len(self._livingArrays) != 0: raise RuntimeError(""" There appears to be {} swarm variable numpy array objects still in existance. Adding particles to a swarm results in the modification of existing swarm variable memory layouts and locations, and therefore existing numpy array views of swarm variables will cease to be valid. Potential modification of these invalid numpy arrays is dangerous, and therefore they must be removed before particles can be added. The python 'del' command may be useful, though be aware that an object cannot be destroyed while another object retains a reference to it. Once you have added the required particles, you can easily regenerate the numpy views of other variables again using the 'data' property.""".format(len(self._livingArrays))) if not isinstance( coordinatesArray, np.ndarray ): raise TypeError("'coordinateArray' must be provided as a numpy array") if not len(coordinatesArray.shape) == 2 : raise ValueError("The 'coordinateArray' is expected to be two dimensional.") if not coordinatesArray.shape[1] == self.mesh.dim : raise ValueError("""The 'coordinateArray' must have shape n*dim, where 'n' is the number of particles to add, and 'dim' is the dimensionality of the supporting mesh ({}).""".format(self.mesh.dim) ) retarr = self._cself.GeneralSwarm_AddParticlesFromCoordArray( coordinatesArray ) # lets realloc swarm now libUnderworld.StgDomain.Swarm_Realloc(self._cself) return retarr
def _get_iterator(self): """ This is the concrete method required by the FunctionInput class. It effects using the particle coordinate swarm variable as an input when the swarm is used as the input to a function. """ return libUnderworld.Function.SwarmInput(self._particleCoordinates._cself)
[docs] def save(self, filename, collective=False, units=None, **kwargs): """ Save the swarm to disk. Parameters ---------- filename : str The filename for the saved file. Relative or absolute paths may be used, but all directories must exist. collective : bool If True, swarm is saved MPI collective. This is usually faster, but currently is problematic for passive swarms which may not have representation on all processes. units : pint unit object (optional) Define the units that must be used to save the data. The data will be dimensionalised and saved with the defined units. The units are saved as a HDF attribute. Additional keyword arguments are saved as string attributes. Returns ------- underworld.utils.SavedFileData Data object relating to saved file. This only needs to be retained if you wish to create XDMF files and can be ignored otherwise. Notes ----- This method must be called collectively by all processes. Example ------- First create the swarm, and populate with layout: >>> mesh = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian( elementType='Q1/dQ0', elementRes=(16,16), minCoord=(0.,0.), maxCoord=(1.,1.) ) >>> swarm = uw.swarm.Swarm(mesh) >>> swarm.populate_using_layout(uw.swarm.layouts.PerCellGaussLayout(swarm,2)) Save to a file: >>> ignoreMe ="saved_swarm.h5") Now let's try and reload. First create an empty swarm, and then load: >>> clone_swarm = uw.swarm.Swarm(mesh) >>> clone_swarm.load( "saved_swarm.h5" ) Now check for equality: >>> import numpy as np >>> np.allclose(, True >>> # clean up: >>> if uw.mpi.rank == 0: ... import os; ... os.remove( "saved_swarm.h5" ) """ if not isinstance(filename, str): raise TypeError("Expected filename to be provided as a string") # just save the particle coordinates SwarmVariable, collective, units=units, **kwargs) return uw.utils.SavedFileData( self, filename )
[docs] def load( self, filename, collective=False, try_optimise=True ): """ Load a swarm from disk. Note that this must be called before any SwarmVariable members are loaded. Note also that this method will not replace the currently existing particles, but will instead *add* all the particles from the provided h5 file to the current swarm. Usually you will want to call this method when the swarm is still empty. Parameters ---------- filename : str The filename for the saved file. Relative or absolute paths may be used. collective : bool If True, swarm is loaded MPI collective. This is usually faster, but currently is problematic for passive swarms which may not have representation on all processes. try_optimise : bool, Default=True Will speed up the swarm load time but warning - this algorithm assumes the previously saved swarm data was made on an identical mesh and mesh partitioning (number of processors) with respect to the current mesh. If this isn't the case then the reloaded particle ordering will be broken, leading to an invalid swarms. One can disable this optimisation and revert to a brute force algorithm, much slower, by setting this option to False. Notes ----- This method must be called collectively by all processes. Example ------- Refer to example provided for 'save' method. """ from ..utils._io import h5File, h5_get_dataset if not isinstance(filename, str): raise TypeError("Expected 'filename' to be provided as a string") rank = uw.mpi.rank nProcs = uw.mpi.size # open hdf5 file with h5File(name=filename, mode="r") as h5f: # get units if they have been defined units = None if "units" in h5f.attrs.keys(): try: units = u.Quantity(h5f.attrs["units"]) except (RuntimeError, KeyError, UndefinedUnitError) as e: units = None dset = h5_get_dataset(h5f, 'data') if dset.shape[1] !=[1]: raise RuntimeError("Cannot load file data on current swarm. Data in file '{0}', " \ "has {1} components -the particlesCoords has {2} components".format(filename, dset.shape[1],[1])) # try and read the procCount attribute & assume that if nProcs in .h5 file # is equal to the current no. procs then the particles will be distributed the # same across the processors. (Danger if different discretisations are used... i think) # else try and load the whole .h5 file. # we set the 'offset' & 'size' variables to achieve the above offset = 0 size = dset.shape[0] # number of particles in h5 file if try_optimise: procCount = h5f.attrs.get('proc_offset') if procCount is not None and nProcs == len(procCount): for p_i in range(rank): offset += procCount[p_i] size = procCount[rank] valid = np.zeros(0, dtype='i') # array for read in chunk=int(2e7) # read in max this many points at a time firstChunk = True (multiples, remainder) = divmod( size, chunk ) for ii in range(multiples+1): # setup the points to begin and end reading in chunkStart = offset + ii*chunk if ii == multiples: chunkEnd = chunkStart + remainder if remainder == 0: # in the case remainder is 0 break else: chunkEnd = chunkStart + chunk # Add particles to swarm, ztmp is the corresponding local array # non-local particles are not added and their ztmp index is -1. # Note that for the first chunk, we do collective read, as this # is the only time that we can guaranteed that all procs will # take part, and usually most (if not all) particles are loaded # in this step. if firstChunk and collective: with dset.collective: if units: vals = non_dimensionalise(dset[ chunkStart : chunkEnd ] * units) ztmp = self.add_particles_with_coordinates(vals) else: ztmp = self.add_particles_with_coordinates(dset[ chunkStart : chunkEnd ]) firstChunk = False else: if units: vals = non_dimensionalise(dset[ chunkStart : chunkEnd ] * units) ztmp = self.add_particles_with_coordinates(vals) else: ztmp = self.add_particles_with_coordinates(dset[ chunkStart : chunkEnd ]) tmp = np.copy(ztmp) # copy because ztmp is 'readonly' # slice out -neg bits and make the local indices global it = np.nditer(tmp, op_flags=['readwrite'], flags=['f_index']) while not it.finished: if it[0] >= 0: it[0] = chunkStart+it.index # local to global it.iternext() # slice out -neg bits tmp = tmp[tmp[:]>=0] # append to valid valid = np.append(valid, tmp) self._local2globalMap = valid # record which swarm state this corresponds to self._checkpointMapsToState = self.stateId
[docs] def fn_particle_found(self): """ This function returns True where a particle is able to be found using the provided input to function evaluation. Returns ------- underworld.function.Function The function object. Example ------- Setup some things: >>> import numpy as np >>> mesh = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian(elementRes=(32,32)) >>> swarm = uw.swarm.Swarm(mesh, particleEscape=True) >>> layout = uw.swarm.layouts.PerCellGaussLayout(swarm,2) >>> swarm.populate_using_layout(layout) Now, evaluate the fn_particle_found function on the swarm.. all should be true >>> fn_pf = swarm.fn_particle_found() >>> fn_pf.evaluate(swarm).all() True Evalute at arbitrary coord... should return False >>> fn_pf.evaluate( (0.3,0.9) ) array([[False]], dtype=bool) Now, lets get rid of all particles outside of a circle, and look to obtain pi/4. First eject particles: >>> with swarm.deform_swarm(): ... for ind,coord in enumerate( ... if,coord)>1.: ...[ind] = (99999.,99999.) Now integrate and test >>> incirc = uw.function.branching.conditional( ( (fn_pf,1.),(True,0.) ) ) >>> np.isclose(uw.utils.Integral(incirc, mesh).evaluate(),np.pi/4.,rtol=2e-2) array([ True], dtype=bool) """ if not hasattr(self, '_fn_particle_found'): import underworld.function as function # create inline class here.. as it's only required here class _fn_particle_found(function.Function): def __init__(self, swarm, **kwargs): # create instance self._fncself = _cfn.ParticleFound(swarm._cself) # build parent super(_fn_particle_found,self).__init__(argument_fns=None, **kwargs) self._underlyingDataItems.add(swarm) self._fn_particle_found = _fn_particle_found(self) return self._fn_particle_found
@property def particleGlobalCount(self): """ Returns ------- int The global number (across all processes) of particles in the swarm. """ # setup mpi basic vars comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD return comm.allreduce(self.particleLocalCount, op=MPI.SUM) @property def _voronoi_swarm(self): """ This property points to an integration type swarm which mirrors the current swarm. The mirror swarms particles are coincident with the current swarms, but use local coordinates to record positions, and also records particle weights. """ if not hasattr(self, '_voronoi_swarm_private'): self._voronoi_swarm_private = uw.swarm.VoronoiIntegrationSwarm(self) return self._voronoi_swarm_private @property def allow_parallel_nn(self): """ By default, parallel nearest neighbour search is disabled as consistent results are not currently guaranteed. Set this attribute to `True` to allow parallel NN. """ return self._cself.allow_parallel_nn @allow_parallel_nn.setter def allow_parallel_nn(self,val): self._cself.allow_parallel_nn = val
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def deform_swarm(self, update_owners=True): """ Any particle location modifications must occur within this python context manager. This is necessary as it is critical that certain internal objects are updated when particle locations are modified. Note that this method must be called collectively by all processes, irrespective of whether any given process does or does not need to locate any particles. Parameters ---------- update_owners : bool, default=True If this is set to False, particle ownership (which element owns a particular particle) is not updated at the conclusion of the context manager. This is often necessary when both the mesh and particles are advecting simutaneously. Notes ----- This method must be called collectively by all processes. Example ------- >>> mesh = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian( elementType='Q1/dQ0', elementRes=(16,16), minCoord=(0.,0.), maxCoord=(1.,1.) ) >>> swarm = uw.swarm.Swarm(mesh) >>> layout = uw.swarm.layouts.PerCellGaussLayout(swarm,2) >>> swarm.populate_using_layout(layout) >>>[0] array([ 0.0132078, 0.0132078]) Attempted modification without using deform_swarm() should fail: >>>[0] = [0.2,0.2] Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: assignment destination is read-only Within the deform_swarm() context manager, modification is allowed: >>> with swarm.deform_swarm(): ...[0] = [0.2,0.2] >>>[0] array([ 0.2, 0.2]) """ # lock swarm to prevent particle addition etc self._locked = True # enable writeable array = True try: yield except Exception as e: raise uw._prepend_message_to_exception(e, "An exception was encountered during particle deformation." +"Particle locations may not be correctly modified." ) finally: # disable writeable array = False # unlock swarm self._locked = False # update owners if update_owners: self.update_particle_owners()
[docs] def shadow_particles_fetch(self): """ When called, neighbouring processor particles which have coordinates within the current processor's shadow zone will be communicated to the current processor. Ie, the processor shadow zone is populated using particles that are owned by neighbouring processors. After this method has been called, particle shadow data is available via the `data_shadow` handles of SwarmVariable objects. This data is read only. Note that you will need to call this whenever neighbouring information has potentially changed, for example after swarm advection, or after you have modified a SwarmVariable object. Any existing shadow information will be discarded when this is called. Notes ----- This method must be called collectively by all processes. """ self._clear_variable_arrays() uw.libUnderworld.StgDomain._ParticleShadowSync_Execute(self._particleShadowSync,self._cself)
[docs] def update_particle_owners(self): """ This routine will update particles owners after particles have been moved. This is both in terms of the cell/element that the particle resides within, and also in terms of the parallel processor decomposition (particles belonging on other processors will be sent across). Users should not generally need to call this as it will be called automatically at the conclusion of a deform_swarm() block. Notes ----- This method must be called collectively by all processes. Example ------- >>> mesh = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian( elementType='Q1/dQ0', elementRes=(16,16), minCoord=(0.,0.), maxCoord=(1.,1.) ) >>> swarm = uw.swarm.Swarm(mesh) >>> swarm.populate_using_layout(uw.swarm.layouts.PerCellGaussLayout(swarm,2)) >>>[0] array([ 0.0132078, 0.0132078]) >>>[0] array([0], dtype=int32) >>> with swarm.deform_swarm(): ...[0] = [0.1,0.1] >>>[0] array([17], dtype=int32) """ orig_total_particles = self.particleGlobalCount libUnderworld.StgDomain.Swarm_UpdateAllParticleOwners( self._cself ) libUnderworld.PICellerator.EscapedRoutine_RemoveFromSwarm(self._escapedRoutine, self._cself) new_total_particles = self.particleGlobalCount if (uw.mpi.rank==0) and (not self.particleEscape) and (orig_total_particles != new_total_particles): raise RuntimeError("Particles appear to have left the domain, but swarm flag `particleEscape` is False. " "Check your velocity field or your particle relocation routines, or set the " "`particleEscape` swarm constructor parameter to True to allow escape.") libUnderworld.PICellerator.GeneralSwarm_ClearSwarmMaps( self._cself ) libUnderworld.PICellerator.GeneralSwarm_DeleteIndex( self._cself ) self._toggle_state()